Kid Craft Time: Canvas Art

As the weather begins to get cooler, more time is spent indoors with the kids. While the boys are in school now, it is only for a few mornings a week, so sometimes I am trying to find something to do indoors other than bringing out the Play-Doh again (ugh, someday I will talk about my love hate relationship with Play-Doh).

A few months ago, I pinned a few awesome craft ideas for the kids, so I thought it was time to break one out. My kids really like crafting and they also like when we display their work. Armed with a 40% off coupon and a sale on canvas I hit up JoAnn Fabrics, and got some supplies.
Here’s what we created: 


Here is how we did it: 


Froggy Tape
Acrylic Paint
Stencil Sponge Brushes
Paint Smocks
Plastic Bags 

Prep the Site: First, I covered my children with smocks (basically Brian’s old shirts), and covered my table and floor with plastic bags. This made for easy cleanup.


Tape it Up: Then, I taped off a small section of the canvas with Froggy Tape. 


Pour it Out: I put a small dot of each color paint on a take out container top. I deginated one sponge brush per color to help keep things a little cleaner and help the colors not bleed into each other so much. 


Let Them Create: The kids started blotting the entire canvas with dots of paint. 



Dry: I let the paint dry for a few hours, and then VERY carefully removed the Froggy Tape. Then, in the empty space I added a sticker I found at Archiver’s with one of my favorite quotes. 


The total cost for this project was under $20. The kids got to participate, and we made some awesome sentimental art for our living room gallery.What a perfect way to spend a cool afternoon indoors. The only thing that would make this better is some cookies.

LInking up at Hi Sugarplum. Everyone there is posting ideas for crafts that can be done in about an hour. Check it out!

Also, linking up at Serenity Now for plenty of quick and easy weekend project ideas.




  1. I have a lone canvas laying around and been thinking what to do with it!! I LOVE this!! Bonus: It's going to rain for three day!! Whoo hoo.

  2. Love this, Erin! Where did you get the round sponge brushes from? I've been looking for something similar for another project and can't find them anywhere (ok, I've only looked at Michaels and online but still can't find them!)

    1. Sarah,

      I got them at JoAnn Fabrics. They were in the aisle by the little bottles of paint and other sponge brushes. It says they are supposed to be used for stenciling, so I bet you could find them by the stencils too. Also, I've seen similar artwork done on a smaller scale with the erasers of new pencils to make the little dots. Good Luck.

      Take care,

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