
family fun

If You Say So: Rocket Ship Construction

My kids are learning about outer space in school. Planets, rockets, stars, moon, etc. You can only imagine the questions. I have been a little scared to mention the whole NASA space exploration thing to them. I know they would be heartbroken, but by the time they are of age, maybe they can go to space.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagramyou saw that my kids created something.


A few weeks ago, the teachers asked us to save boxes of all shapes and sizes for in class projects regarding space. They also asked for paper towel and toilet paper tubes. I guess I went a little overboard. When my husband dropped them off, they said they didn’t need this many boxes. So, we brought some of them back home. I was going to throw them in the recycle bin, but the kids squealed, “Let’s make a rocket!”

So we did.

I gave them all the boxes we had, aluminum foil, duct tape, stickers, popsicle sticks, and this is what happened.




Caroline lost interest in the rockets, and decided to color instead.


They boys say they are very advanced rockets. I said, “If you say so.” Here are the final products again.


I’m still not convinced that these could make it to space, but the kids are happy.

Christmas Time is Here: Decorating the Tree

As I mentioned last week, we started Christmas decorating the house. Over the weekend we put up our BIG tree in the living room. This is the tree that holds all of Brian and I’s childhood ornaments, all the ones we buy for the kids every year, all the home made ones, and all the ornaments that Brian and I buy on our vacations together.

Every year, putting up the Christmas Tree at our house gets more fun, as well as more of an event (maybe because we have lots of little elves to help now).

After a dinner of Thanksgiving Leftovers and cleaning up toys, I made some hot cocoa, turned on the holiday tunes. Brian and I assembled the tree and plugged in with bated breath to hoping all the lights would work. They did!
Then, kids helped put up ornaments and beads on the tree. They had a ball and Brian and I had a ball watching them.

Here are the kids with their new ornaments from West Elm that Brian and I bought for them the day of the YHL book signing.
Trimming the tree.



My kids love snow globes.
Coco thought this was a necklace.
Do you have a family tradition regarding your Christmas Tree? Is hot cocoa involved? Holiday music? Does anyone get new ornaments?

Good Outweighs the Bad: Play Doh Fun

When I was a kid, I have to say, I was never a fan of clay or play dough. I didn’t like the smell and I hated how it would get caught under my finger nails. I know its weird. I was an old soul. What can I say? Now as an adult, I pretty much don’t like play dough for the same reasons in addition to having a fear of it getting in my area rugs or couches.

My kids, however, did not inherit my anti play dough mentality, and for that I am grateful. Excuse the stacks of laundry baskets of clothes waiting to be folded, just keeping it real. Plus they go perfectly with all the toys on the floor.

I’m so happy the kids like play dough. Not only is it something they can do on their own but also gives me a chance to fold laundry er pick up toys ummm… sit and catch my breath. Also, after doing a lot of research on the educational benefits of play dough from a few websites, I found that play dough has several educational and developmental benefits.

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children play dough helps to strengthen fine motor skills.


Also, it can help with social skills such as peer conversation, interaction, and sharing.
Lastly, it can lead to exploration of different topics such as science.
After learning so much about play dough, I definitely think the good outweighs the bad, however, I still hate when it gets caught under my finger nails.
For more information about the benefits of play dough, check out this link.

Marathon Watching!

This weekend is a super busy one for us, and will have plenty to share next week. Today, however I just wanted to share some pictures of us cheering at the Chicago Marathon two weeks ago.

I ran the Chicago Marathon (and finished) a few years ago, and hope to do it again someday. This year, the kids and I cheered some people on, including my oldest’s pre-school teacher, a family friend, my old Cross Country coach, and our Church’s priest and fundraising team.
The weather was perfect, and the kids loved watching the runners.
“Mom, why are you taking my picture… again?”

“Mommy, next time we are bringing chairs.”

“YAY! Gooooooo runners!”

This was also the perfect day to break in the new camera.


Have an awesome weekend, everyone!

Trains, Horses, and Pumpkins… OH MY!

Disclaimer: I’m going to talk about Autumn again. What can I say it is my favorite season.

Just like anyone, we have traditions. The Pumpkin Patch is one tradition that Brian and I started before we even had children. We never miss, even when my youngest was born mid September, we made a quick trip with her when she was only a few weeks old.


This year, my brother and sister in law were in from San Diego, and were able to go with us this year. Here are some pictures from our awesome day!


Our pumpkin patch has a bunch of other fun things to do such as a corn maze, petting zoo, pony rides, train, and miniature town complete with jail.




After all the fun, we made our way to pick out our pumpkins.

My oldest took this very seriously and contemplated for a long time which pumpkin would be perfect.


The other two weren’t so picky.


I wish Autumn would never end!


Nature Walk

The past week, the weather here has been so perfectly autumn. Cool, breezy, and sunny.

Last week, the kids and I packed up a picnic and went on a long walk on the trail near our house.
The best part of this trip was just spending some time together outdoors and not having any time restraints. We could just do our own thing.

Kid Craft Time: Canvas Art

As the weather begins to get cooler, more time is spent indoors with the kids. While the boys are in school now, it is only for a few mornings a week, so sometimes I am trying to find something to do indoors other than bringing out the Play-Doh again (ugh, someday I will talk about my love hate relationship with Play-Doh).

A few months ago, I pinned a few awesome craft ideas for the kids, so I thought it was time to break one out. My kids really like crafting and they also like when we display their work. Armed with a 40% off coupon and a sale on canvas I hit up JoAnn Fabrics, and got some supplies.
Here’s what we created: 


Here is how we did it: 


Froggy Tape
Acrylic Paint
Stencil Sponge Brushes
Paint Smocks
Plastic Bags 

Prep the Site: First, I covered my children with smocks (basically Brian’s old shirts), and covered my table and floor with plastic bags. This made for easy cleanup.


Tape it Up: Then, I taped off a small section of the canvas with Froggy Tape. 


Pour it Out: I put a small dot of each color paint on a take out container top. I deginated one sponge brush per color to help keep things a little cleaner and help the colors not bleed into each other so much. 


Let Them Create: The kids started blotting the entire canvas with dots of paint. 



Dry: I let the paint dry for a few hours, and then VERY carefully removed the Froggy Tape. Then, in the empty space I added a sticker I found at Archiver’s with one of my favorite quotes. 


The total cost for this project was under $20. The kids got to participate, and we made some awesome sentimental art for our living room gallery.What a perfect way to spend a cool afternoon indoors. The only thing that would make this better is some cookies.

LInking up at Hi Sugarplum. Everyone there is posting ideas for crafts that can be done in about an hour. Check it out!

Also, linking up at Serenity Now for plenty of quick and easy weekend project ideas.


Anniversary Week: Our Story

Brian and I met almost exactly nine years ago this week. I had just started a new job as the alumni coordinator at my old high school. With my new business management in technology degree from John Carroll University (BLUE STREAKS WOOT!) and a new suit from the LOFT I started my first day BEAMING! I was excited about my first real job, with my first office, and my first work computer and email address.

A very tall, dark and handsome man walked into my office to help me set up my email and my network account. As he was setting up my computer and talking me through where my printer was (I felt like I was listening to the teacher in the old Charlie Brown movies WAH WAH WAH) all I could think was, I know this guy from somewhere, he looks so dang familiar. So he said, “ok, well, you are all set-up.”

He started to walk away, and suddenly like a bolt of lightening it came to me. I chased him down the hall, and I said, “Oh my gosh, is Joe your little brother? I graduated from here with him. How is he doing? Are you the tech director? What year did you graduate? Do you remember me? I used to go to parties at your house and took pictures at your house before dances.” I was talking a mile a minute for two reasons: a.) I thought he was cute, and I remembered he was a senior when I was a freshmen in high school so I was a little nervous by the older, cooler, and did I mention cute guy and b.) I was so happy that there seemed to be someone around my age that could show me the ropes.


We became really fast friends. My job entailed attending a lot of school events to talk to alumni and Brian went to a lot of school events because often they needed technology set-up. One night while we were both working late, Brian plucked up some courage and asked me out for a beer. Our first date turned went from a beer, to dinner, to going to see some live music. It was a great first date. I guess you could say we were high school sweethearts, without actually being in high school.


After a few years, I ventured out into a new career. Once I left the high school we spent more social time together going to concerts in the city, movies, and out to dinner. We even started attending mass together in the city at our favorite church Old St. Pat’s. The more time we spent together, the more we started to talk about getting married. I figured he would pop the question when he was ready, but really did not want to know when or where or any of that. I figured there are so few surprises in life, I wanted to be surprised for sure.

So, along came the weekend of the Old St. Pat’s World’s Largest Block Party. This is aa two day concert event where all the proceeds go to all the programs of our church (Guster was playing that year!). Brian and I had finished a hard HOT day of volunteering and were sitting on the steps of the church looking up at the Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower), and just talking. This moment is important because, Brian later told me that this was the moment he decided he was going to ask me to marry him. He had bought the ring  and asked for my Mom for “my hand” months before, but he said this moment was so perfect, and he wanted to propose in the place we would be married. So, after a few minutes of talking Brian said, “let’s go, we have another long day of volunteering tomorrow.” So we left.


The next day, Brian picked me up and we drove into the city for our second day of volunteering. He had orchestrated how he was going to propose with our good friends, Jaclyn and Chris (my second born’s godparents and who got married the weekend after us). He asked them to somehow get me in the church.

After volunteering for what seemed like forever, Brian, Jaclyn, Chris, and my friend Nanci headed over to the church to get the historical tour that was given to people visiting the church. Jaclyn and Chris got Nanci to walk around and Brian grabbed my hand and said, “Have you ever seen the alter up close? It is really pretty and is original to the building built over 100 years ago.”

He took me up to the alter and it was just him and I. There was silence. Brian says that he was praying I would say yes. I remember praying for him to ask soon (I didn’t know it would be in 2 seconds). Then, I started to walk away, and he said, “Erin, wait.”

I turned around, and he was already down on one knee, holding a box, teary eyed and shaking a little (he was so adorably nervous in that moment). He said, “I love you so much, please will you marry me?”

I cried and said “YES!”

The rest is history.


Big Kids Now: Cherry Cola (Pop) Brownies

I know this week has been a little “kid heavy” in the way of posting, but here’s why:


My boys started school this week. They were SO excited. I don’t know if you can tell
However, for bearing with my crazy pictures of my knuckelheads, I will reward you with a recipe.
To celebrate heading back to school, and the boys having a great first day, Coco and I decided to make the boys a treat. 


I dug through my baking cabinet and found a box of brownie mix. I wanted something a little doctored up (after all this is a special occasion), and I found this recipe on the Betty Crocker website. I LOVE CHERRY POP (yes, I just said pop. I’m from Chicago, deal with it people). We always have cherry pop of some kind in our house as it is my favorite.
Anyway, what grabbed my attention about this recipe (other than containing cherry pop) is it only contains one egg. My boys have a slight egg white sensitivity, so I like to find recipes that have one or no eggs or can easily have substitutions for eggs. Also, the picture totally captured my eye. The kids like anything with a cherry on top.
So we baked. 



The kids loved, mom and dad loved. It doesn’t get much better than this people. 

Linking up with Adorned from Above.

Unofficial End of Summer: Fall Fest

This past weekend, was our town’s annual Fall Fest. It includes, food, live music, parade, and HUGE craft fair. It is the perfect way to end summer and kick off the school year. We live walking distance to “The Fest,” so we usually invite friends over to come park in our driveway (saves them $20), and we walk up and enjoy.

Sara (my friend from college who I talked about here), took some pictures of the kids enjoying their favorite part of Fall Fest, which was the carnival rides.


Now that Fall Fest has come and gone, I guess it is time to plant some mums and get some pumpkins.