Listen To Your Mother… OUCH!

I was going to write a wonderful post about grilled steak fajitas, but while cooking last night, I cut my finger. It is definitely not serious, but is definitely making it hard for me to type.

I was chopping cilantro for the guacamole while simultaneously steaming corn, occasionally stirring peppers and onions, taking photos of food, going in and out to the grill, telling Brian to come in from doing yard work because dinner was almost ready, and  saying something to the effect of, “If you jump on that couch one more time, there will be no playing outside after dinner!”

So, lesson learned. That kind of craziness… I mean multi-tasking is going to lead to injury.

I cleaned it up, applied lots of pressure, and had Brian bandage it up for me.

As I said earlier, it isn’t serious, but I know I will have to keep a bandage on it for a few days.

As most of my readers know, on Sunday, it is Listen To Your Mother Chicago of which I am a member of the cast. I hope I can find some cute bandaids that will match my red peep toe wedges.


I guess I will have to get to the fajitas another day.



One comment

  1. I think our cast may be cursed. I slammed my finger in a cabinet yesterday and the day before that I dropped a heavy drawer on my foot. I'm gonna get a goat to fix this…

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