

Listen To Your Mother… OUCH!

I was going to write a wonderful post about grilled steak fajitas, but while cooking last night, I cut my finger. It is definitely not serious, but is definitely making it hard for me to type.

I was chopping cilantro for the guacamole while simultaneously steaming corn, occasionally stirring peppers and onions, taking photos of food, going in and out to the grill, telling Brian to come in from doing yard work because dinner was almost ready, and  saying something to the effect of, “If you jump on that couch one more time, there will be no playing outside after dinner!”

So, lesson learned. That kind of craziness… I mean multi-tasking is going to lead to injury.

I cleaned it up, applied lots of pressure, and had Brian bandage it up for me.

As I said earlier, it isn’t serious, but I know I will have to keep a bandage on it for a few days.

As most of my readers know, on Sunday, it is Listen To Your Mother Chicago of which I am a member of the cast. I hope I can find some cute bandaids that will match my red peep toe wedges.


I guess I will have to get to the fajitas another day.


LTYM Rehersal #1, Lucky Pants, and Family

When I think family, I think stories. Growing up, I used to beg my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, whoever I would be around to please tell me stories. I would want to know what it was like when they were kids, where they got married, what they ate, where they shopped, how they met, where they lived, where they worked, all their travels, all their jokes, all of their stories (when I think back on this, it is starting to make sense that I love writing stories now).

On Sunday, I walked into what unexpectedly seemed like a family reunion.


On Sunday, I met (in person) for the first time the rest of the cast members of the 2013 Chicago Show of Listen to Your Mother, and let me just say, I’m blown away. Not only by their words (which by the way were amazing, get your tickets, people!), but also because these women are awesome at life.

My niece, Emily has this saying, “I am awesome at life.” When she says it I smile, and agree with her. She is living her life her way, tries her best in whatever she does, and even if she fails, she is learning from the journey.

That is what I mean when I say these women are awesome at life. They are living life on their terms successfully and learning from the trials. These women who have shared a portion of their journey with me, carry themselves with such poise, humility, humor, grace, strength, and kindness. They are all extremely talented writers to boot (here is my second time reminding you to get tickets).

I was so nervous and scared walking into this room of women. I have to say I was pretty intimidated. I’ve only been “writing” for a short time, and I know there is a great deal I still need to learn. Also, after browsing some of their work, I was amazed by the talent, and thought, “Wow, I’m kind of not worthy, and definitely not funny or talented enough to be around this crowd.” (TICKETS!)

I bet you are all wondering what this has to do with my GREEN WEEK! Well, I wore my favorite kelley green pants. I wanted to wear something casual that would give me a little confidence, and since they are one of my new favorite things to wear, I thought they would do just the trick. After Sunday’s rehearsal, I’m thinking of calling them my Lucky Pants now. These women liked what I had to say.

While, the pants are cute, the kindness of the ladies was overwhelming, and it was these wonderful writers that helped me feel a little more relaxed an confident. Upon meeting just a few when I walked in, I knew I could take a deep breath, relax, and pretend I was at a family reunion.

To me, our little LTYM group is just that… a family. An eclectic and unique group of individuals with a nut (me) sharing our stories.

And to me, stories are family.

For more information on Listen to Your Mother click here. FOR TICKETS to Chicago’s May 5th Show, click here.

Favorite Summer Memory: Truck Show

We were recently talking about how Autumn is almost here, and all of the things we had done this summer. The boys mentioned that other than going on their first boat ride and  going to soccer camp, attending the Truck Show was their favorite.

This is a FREE event that is about a half hour from our house. All the neighboring communities and businesses park their trucks and let little kids sit on them. What little kid wouldn’t love to pretend to be a real fire fighter or truck driver? Not to mention, they had free little cars and monster trucks to give away to the kids. We’ve already decided we will be back next year.

They went crazy for the cement mixer.


And of course, the emergency vehicles were a big hit.



A REAL ice cream truck?!?! This was my favorite.

Then it was time for lunch. We found the perfect shady spot.

While I’m a little sad that our care free summer days are over, I cannot wait for the pumpkin patch, cool nights with bon fires, hot cocoa, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Linking up at Serenity Now.