
craft organization

Getting Crafty with Storage: Creating a Creative Space

I thought I would break up the Christmas Cheer a bit with some other things that have been going on around here.

The kids have always liked doing arts and crafts, but lately with it too cold to play outside some days they seem to be coloring, drawing, play doh-ing, and wanting to craft more often. Caroline is constantly carrying crayons in her purse. Russell asked for some art supplies for his birthday. And even George has been saying, “Let’s do a project! You know, like with a smock.”
Since, I hear this every day, and since pre-school sometimes has homework. I knew I needed to create a space for the kids to do all things creative. I also needed to find a way to store their things that was easy for them to access and put away. I also needed it to be somewhat stylish as I am sick of buying primary colored bins and then trying to hide them in closets.
Here is what I came up with:
I decided to bring back our old kitchen table and chairs that had previously been used in the dining room before Brian and I built a new table. I wasn’t about to buy something new and my kids are growing so fast I didn’t want to use a kid sized table that they won’t be able to use for much longer.
Then, I thought it might be a nice idea to cover the table with some painter’s paper. This doubles as a protective surface for crafting, but also the kids like to draw and color on the paper. I got a partial roll for free from Meema and Peepa.
Next, the inspiration for this project were these galvanized buckets there were on clearance at Target for $1.24. I would have bought more but there were only two left. I thought they were the perfect size for our collection of crayons and storing coloring books and sketchpads.


Finally, I have an old canister set that I still love, but just didn’t work in the kitchen. They were too small to really hold any of my baking things like flour etc. but they are the perfect size to hold colored pencils, marker, scissors and glue, and chalk.
I put a lamp on this table for some extra light. Currently this lamp has been relocated because of Christmas decorations, but for now it works.
Finally, next to the table I put an old computer desk I’ve had since my single days. Currently, it sits in the family room waiting for its rightful place in the sub basement to hold scrapbooking supplies, but until the sub-basement is renovated it has served as a great place to store toys and our printer. I emptied it out, and put a small cart of drawers I got from my friend, Colleen. In here I put things that don’t need to be as accessible or need Mom’s help. Paints, paint smocks, play doh, etc. It has also been a wonderful place to store the kids art work that is no longer hung on the art wall.


The grand total for this project was $2.48 for the bins at Target. Everything else I had on hand. This has become one of the best spaces. I love that nothing here is expensive, but looks so organized and pretty. I also love the unconventional storage containers. We finally have a place for everything, and the kids have a place to do homework or start a project and be able to leave it out to finish later.
Is there a designated space in your home for crafting or homework?