

Favorite Summer Memory: Truck Show

We were recently talking about how Autumn is almost here, and all of the things we had done this summer. The boys mentioned that other than going on their first boat ride and  going to soccer camp, attending the Truck Show was their favorite.

This is a FREE event that is about a half hour from our house. All the neighboring communities and businesses park their trucks and let little kids sit on them. What little kid wouldn’t love to pretend to be a real fire fighter or truck driver? Not to mention, they had free little cars and monster trucks to give away to the kids. We’ve already decided we will be back next year.

They went crazy for the cement mixer.


And of course, the emergency vehicles were a big hit.



A REAL ice cream truck?!?! This was my favorite.

Then it was time for lunch. We found the perfect shady spot.

While I’m a little sad that our care free summer days are over, I cannot wait for the pumpkin patch, cool nights with bon fires, hot cocoa, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Linking up at Serenity Now.

The End of Babies: Zoo Trips

This is post is dedicated to our great family friends, you know who you are.
Today was one of those days that I swore would never happen. I swore I would never be one of “those Moms” that embarrassed her children with sobbing tears over every milestone of her kids’ lives.
I found out today, I cannot help it. It is what it is. I AM going to be one of “those Moms” and get emotional, and people are just going to have to get over it. Mainly myself.
Today marked a milestone for me and my Mommy friend, Colleen. We took our kids to the zoo, which was probably the MILLIONTH time we have done it (and I’m sure there is a million more visits to come), but today was different.
Let’s start at the beginning. Colleen and I started having babies in 2007 and didn’t stop until 2011. In four years, between the two of us, we had six kids. We were there for each other for every bout of morning sickness, every birth, every Baptism, birthday, and everything in between. We’ve talked about every possible baby topic at least a thousand times. From cloth diapering to teething. From homemade baby food to discipline. We’ve seen each other through baby blues, husbands working long hours, moving to new neighborhoods, and kids’ phases (like picky eaters).
In addition to our mommy relationship, our kids have have become so close, that they treat each other like family. They have learned to share, take turns, and help each other. They have spent hours holding hands and following each other everywhere. They have taught each other lessons. They have shared meals, moments, and tears. They have shared their babyhoods together.
A lot of this all comes back to the zoo. The zoo is a place we started going when Colleen’s oldest was about 9 months old and mine was about 4 months old. It was a weekly gathering spot. As we would have more children, we would just pack more food and get bigger strollers.
I remember the first time we brought all six of the kids to the zoo, and we felt like “SUPERMOMS.” We thought we could take on the world. Most people around us looked at us, and thought we were crazy, but we didn’t care. The zoo was/is our place. Our kids can play, learn, and talk with each other. Colleen and I could catch our breath and talk about things that only we could appreciate (like how we just figured out the perfect system for organizing toys in our house).
Today is different because the kids are growing up.
We blinked.
School is starting. Our time is not our own. We cannot call each other and say, “it’s gorgeous outside, we’re going to the zoo.” or “Our kids needs a playdate, let’s head to the zoo.” or “I’m going to go insane if I don’t get out of this house, let’s go to the zoo.”
To our kids nothing changes. We WILL, of course, still meet up at the zoo. If it were up to our kids a pair of them will get married some day, and probably want to have their wedding reception there. But, Colleen and I realized something today. Our babies our growing up. Zoo trips will have to be scheduled around school, soccer and ballet (watery eyes). And as years’ pass, we will probably trying to coordinate a trip before everyone leaves for college (tears).
It kind of seems like an end of an era. Soon, no more strollers, no more sippy cups, no more diapers. Conversations will turn to drivers’ licenses, boy/girl parties, and college.
While we were both a little (and by a little, I really mean VERY) emotional today. I have to say some of my tears were happy. We have created a bond for our kids and with each other that will hopefully last a lifetime. Maybe someday they will be meeting at the zoo with their own kids (sob).Looking forward to what’s ahead. Are you?

Olympic Fever

Has anyone else been glued to their TV’s every day for the past 11 days like we have? We have a dangerous Olympic Fever going on at our house. I will be going through some serious withdrawal when this is over.

The kids are also loving the Olympics. Instead of just watching though, they have begun to pretend they are real Olympians, and have participated in several of the events.

So far we have seen.








I wonder if we will ever see them do the real thing at the real Olympics.

Soccer Camp: I swore I’d never be a ‘Soccer Mom’

When I first heard the term “Soccer Mom,” all I could think of is the “Mom Jeans” commercial from SNL. You will NEVER EVER see me sport a pair of Mom Jeans (EVER), but I have to say watching the boys at soccer camp last week was awesome.

They really learned a lot about the sport, and I even got to participate in the parents vs. kids game. The kids bragged about beating us, but we totally let them win (maybe).
Does that make me a Soccer Mom? Maybe, but did I mention I will never wear mom jeans?

Baby Must Haves

In the past year or so, I feel like there has been a HUGE baby boom. Maybe it’s Fifty Shades of Grey or maybe there is a lack of good television, but I know so many ladies who are planning to start a family,who are pregnant or who have just had babies. All these moms, always have the same question for me: “What do I need? What should be on my registry?”


After rewriting the same email to my family and friends at least ten times, I decided to post here our (Brian has had some serious input), favorite things and must haves for baby. Now keep in mind, I am not an expert, I just know what worked for us.So here goes, our favorite baby must haves:

1.) Carseat and Stroller (also known as a travel system): For obvious reasons, we absolutely knew we needed a carseat. We registered for both the carrier carseat with base and the carseat that is for older children. While we wouldn’t need the larger one until much later, we figured it was an expense that would be nice not to have down the road. We personally have a Chicco carrier carseat and stroller for our infants. We love it and installation is easy. We actually started out with a Graco carrier carseat, but because our oldest was very small, his head was always falling forward so we switched to a Chicco. However, both have extremely high safety ratings, and I have never heard anyone complain about either brand. For the larger size up carseat, we did a Britax. They are highest rated in safety and easy to install. They can also serve as rear facing and forward facing which in some states the law requires  kids stay rear facing until age two, and there is no way any kid can stay in those carrier things past 10 months because they are just too heavy to carry around. Also, the Britax models are a bit pricey, but there are ways to find bargains. As far as strollers go, this is basically personal preference. Some people like jog strollers, while others like more basic models. Some decisions are based on ease of pushing or how high the handle is for taller parents. When we registered for a stroller, the best advice we got was to make sure that whatever carrier carseat we purchased could fit into or be adapted to fit into the stroller. When babies are really little (younger than six months) it is safest for them to be in the carrier carseat even in the stroller. Most sales people at stores like Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby will know what works. Also, we tried to consider quantity here. It is nice to not have to move carseats around to different cars. For the carrier carseat we just registered for a second base which is cheaper than buying a whole carseat. (Whew, overwhelmed yet?) 


2.) Crib/Bassinet/Play-yard: I don’t know if a crib is something that parents will register for, but in some cases a bunch of family members will go in on a big purchase like a crib. Cribs are kind of tricky because there are a lot of safety things associated with them for obvious reasons. Our theory with the crib was as long as it is safe, pretty, and can be used for a long time and multple kids we were good. We actually went with a model that Babies R Us sells, and I think they still carry. It is also a convertible crib, which means it can be converted to a toddler bed, and then later can serve and a head/footboard for a double sized bed (talk about bang for your buck). As for bassinets, we thought this was not a good idea as they can only be used for a short period of time, also bassinets require different sized sheets and bedding. We have a play-yard (Graco Pack and Play the bare bones basic model) that has a bassinet feature, and we just put that in our room for the first few weeks. I know Moms that kept the play-yard set up on a lower level of the house as they weren’t able to walk stairs after a c-section. After the bassinet phase, it is nice to have a “travel bed” for Nana’s and trips and such. This is another quantity item. Some people like to keep one at Nana’s or in the car and keep one at home especially if you use it every day in your house (however they are easy to fold up, and we got buy with only one). 


3.) KCU: This is my own little term I made up. I call it a Kid Containment Unit (KCU). Things that fall under this category are swings, bouncey seats, exersaucers, play mats, jumperoo’s, Bumbo’s etc. We narrowed it down to two or three of these things, as they take up so much space and honestly, our kids liked roll around on the floor. I used them mostly when I needed to fold laundry or cook dinner. I knew the baby was safe, contained, and occupied. We did end up with all of these things, but people gave them to us as hand me downs. The two things we used the most were the bouncey seat and the exersaucer. Also, any time we could register for a travel one of these things we did (we were living in a condo at the time). They are smaller, can be folded, easy to hide, and do the same thing as the “bells and whistles” models. When we had babies, we only had one level, but I know Mom’s who have two or three levels in their house that liked to have a KCU on each level. 



4.) Change Table: We didn’t register for those old school ones like we had growing up. Ours was just a dresser with one of those pads on top. It was nice to have a designated space for baby supplies and clothes, and later we used it as an actual dresser (some play-yard models have change tables built in).

5.) Breastfeeding Supplies: This depends on if you plan to breastfeed, if not skip ahead. Boppy Pillow: (some Moms like the My Breast Friend) either way, I honestly could not have lived without this. It made nursing so much easier, and came in handy when I needed to answer the phone or change the channel on the TV for a 3 a.m. feeding. Breast pump: I had a Medela Pump in Style. Again, I know its pricey, but was so worth it, and for as much as I used it, it had paid for itself 3 times over. Another thing I thought was so convenient were the Slimlines freezer trays. They are freezer trays for breast milk, but they freeze the milk in one ounce sticks so they can fit in the bottle and since they are each one ounce you know EXACTLY how much milk you’re putting in the bottle.



6.) Baby Carrier: I liked our Baby Bjorn. It was so nice to sometimes just be able to use that instead of packing a bulky stroller. I liked it for the grocery store, church, walks outside, and doing some things around the house. A lot of moms swear by Moby wraps or baby slings, but I could never get it to work right, and I didn’t feel like the baby was in there safely (again, personal preference). Also, the weight limit on a Bjorn is nice. They also make carriers that you can use for kids up to 45 pounds and go on your back. We considered this, but our kids were happy in the stroller, and once they started walking, they didn’t want to stop. (Almost done, I promise).

7.) High Chair: We had an old school model. The separate high chair with a tray. We liked it a lot and we liked having something that we could save for grandkids. However, some moms find the ones that attach to your kitchen chairs much more convenient. They are smaller, don’t take up floor space in the kitchen, and can later be used as a booster seat without the tray. We did not register for the travel ones that attach to counters or tables, they did not seem safe to us at the time.


8.) Baby Tub: We had a baby tub, and used it. We also liked it because it was nice to have even when our kids were older. We put the little tub inside our bath tub, and just filled the baby tub. It saved water, and it helped with a transition to the big tub.


9.) Linens: Crib sheets are specially made to only fit a crib mattress (I would say to have 3 or 4 on hand, it’s always nice to have a lot of these in case there is a middle of the night diaper leak or something). Hooded towels are not a necessity, but I liked having designated baby towels (three is enough, when they are little babies, they only bathe every few days as to not dry out their skin. Also, it is nice to keep one in your diaper bag in case you have to do an impromptu bath at Nana’s after messy cake. True story). Baby washcloths are just softer and I like them better (we had at least 6 of these, as I used these all the time and even kept one in my diaper bag for emergency nose wipes and spit ups). Play-yard sheets are for the pack and play (I had two in case of an accident). Change pad covers are covers for the pad that goes on the change table (two or three are nice for laundry rotation). Burp cloths are nice to have all over the house (I had about 8 and kept 2 in the diaper bag). Lap pads or multi purpose pads are not a necessity, but my trick for these was I put one in the boucey seat,  and one in the carseat so if there is a diaper leak you don’t have to wash the WHOLE seat cover, as they are kind of a pain to wash). I also had an extra Boppy Pillow cover in case of an accident. 


10.) Miracle Blanket: You’ll see on my list below of things to not register for, and you’ll see I put blankets, however, we absolutely loved our Miracle Blankets. This was my Mommy secret for getting the kids to sleep through the night, and fall asleep on their own. If you want more information on Miracle Blankets click here. Seriously, they are a Miracle and really work. I used them with all three kids, and they were all sleeping through the night pretty early on, and even now they all older I can just put them in their beds and they fall asleep on their own. Brian and I owe the Miracle Blanket for not only how well rested our kids are, but how well rested we are. 


11.) Bottles: I know this seems like a common sense thing, so I just want to share our experience here. We liked Breastflow bottles. My kids never experienced nipple confusion with them, and they are BPA free to boot. I know Moms that like Avent, Dr. Brown’s and lots of other brands. The advice I got here was to ask the baby’s pediatrician, lactation specialist, other Moms, or labor and delivery nurses for suggestions.12.) Diaper Bag: I actually just have a nice backpack that I love, but they have some really nice diaper bags out there now that I wish they had when I was registering. Some things I would would have done is get one that comes with a change pad, as well as get one that has insulated pockets for bottles and sippy cups. Early on, we learned it is sometimes a pain to bring a large diaper bag if we were just running out for a little bit, so I also have a small one that I keep a few diapers, some wipes, and an extra outfit. It is nice for church or quick runs to the store.

13.) A nice thermometer. We have a Summer Three in One Family Thermometer. We like it and know other Moms that love it. It is easy to use, which is nice in the middle of the night.
14.) Grooming Supplies: Tiny nail clippers, soft bristle brush, and a little comb.
15.) Feeding Supplies are something we didn’t need until the kids were a little older, but we were happy to receive at our baby shower.  Little bowls, spoons, forks, and plates. I registered for bowls that came with lids which were awesome for traveling or refrigerating leftovers. There are different sized spoons for different ages too, so we made sure to order a few of each size. Also, I made my own baby food so there are all kinds of contraptions for this, but my favorite is the OXO Ice Trays for storing an freezing all the purees. (No really, almost done this time). 


Below is a list of things I didn’t add to our registry. I had heard from friends people often like to give these kinds of things once the baby comes.

– Outfits (the only exception here is I personally picked out two or three outfits and purchased them myself for coming home from the hospital and the first couple days home.)
– Onesies
– Pajamas
– Socks, Hats
– Blankets
– Books and Toys (this is a personal preference of course, but some parents prefer no plastic or only toys made in the USA)
– Sippy cups (this was tricky for us because our kids had preference with them so I just returned any we received and then bought ones that our kids liked).
– Pacifiers (we delivered in a hospital so we asked our nurse at the hospital for a few extra just in case and we were good to go).
I know it doesn’t seem like a lot (or it does and you are totally overwhelmed) in comparison to the registry sample lists they give you at Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby, but honestly, these are the things we used EVERY single day. When I registered, I tried to think of what my parents, grandparents, etc. had access too, and honestly all the baby needs is love, food and diapers.

Time Flies… Or Does It?

The other day, I came upstairs to find this:

Three munchkins playing in the tupperware cabinet. At first, I’m not going to lie, I was a little annoyed. There they are sitting right in my way, and it is almost time for lunch. Then, I took a deep breath, and started to thank my lucky stars that they are still young enough to enjoy playing in the tupperware cabinet. Thanking God they are still little, and enjoy simple things.


Time has gone so fast it seems in the past few years, that in this moment I was so happy that it had slowed down, just a bit.


Someone once told me that someday I will miss the quiet and the mess so enjoy it. So that is what I’m going to do from now on.


Even if that means I have to re-organize the tupperware cabinet once in awhile.

Something Seems Fishy Around Here


We have lived in this town for seventeen months, and we
could not be happier with everything here. We love the small downtown area, the businesses (Mariano’s Fall 2013 WOOT!), the
park district, and the library. We enjoy the Sunday Farmers’ Market, concerts
on the town green, and summer movie series.  So far, we have been a part of several events too, such as
the 5K Run and the huge end of summer fest. I used to joke that I wish I could
find a town like Stars Hollow in Gilmore Girls, and I think I found it.
One of the events that we took part in this past weekend,
was the Youth Fishing Derby. Brian has always wanted to teach the kids how to
fish, and this was the perfect event for them to learn. It was totally geared
toward kids, and the volunteers were extremely helpful. For a small fee, the
park district provided each participant with a t-shirt and bait, and for 45
minutes the kids, with the help of an adult could cast their line as many times
at they wanted. When a child caught a fish, a volunteer would measure the fish,
take the hook out (which is the part I’m always squeamish about) and throw the
fish back. At the end of the 45 minutes, there was an award ceremony with
snacks (Goldfish crackers of course) and juice for the kids. Prizes were given to the participant who caught
the biggest fish, and the participant who caught the most fish.
The boys (all three) had a ball! Caroline was too young to
register this year, but she had a great time watching. Russell and George with
the help of Daddy and Peepa EACH caught six fish. Pretty impressive for the
first time out.
Bait ready.
What a beautiful (and hot) morning!
Running to get more bait!
Russell thought it was too hot to stand.
George smiling ear to ear after his first catch.
Russell’s 7 1/2 inch catch.


Caroline waiting in the shade.
Time to go in and cool off!
What is your favorite thing/event/business in your town?

Caught Red… I mean Chocolate Handed

It’s moments like this that I feel need to be documented because the older the kids get the less things like this will happen.

When I feed Caroline, I often feel like this is the boys chance to get into mischief. For the most part they stay out of trouble, but it is like they know I am distracted. Caroline was pretty upset, so my focus was on feeding her, and I ask the boys to please stay where I can see them, which usually isn’t a problem. Except for this particular day.

George sits on the other side of the counter, out of my sight, but I can definitely hear him playing with his cars. I also figured, if he got into anything I would hear him or have the “informant” aka Russell report back. Soon, Russell goes out of my line of sight, but I hear him and George playing demolition derby and giggling, so I figure everything is ok. Then suddenly silence. This is when I know they are into something. I stop feeding Caroline, which for anyone who is feeding a baby, to interrupt them is a nightmare. I round the corner, and both boys are elbow deep in an Entemmenn’s chocolate doughnut box. I asked what they were doing, and Russell said they were hungry. Oh well. Doughnuts for dinner never hurt anyone, right? Happy Weekend, Everyone!


So, it seems that spring has finally sprung here in the Chicago area. It has been awesome to see the first blooms on our new property. Behind the swimming pool, there is a row of Forsythia bushes that are starting to bloom. Don’t they look gorgeous? I must admit that Brian and I are very excited about the prospect of having a vegetable garden, planting some flowers, and doing a little landscaping. However, we may not enjoy it when we are wheel barrowing pounds of compost into the backyard

As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted a small herb garden, and since I have somewhere to have one now, I planted a few seeds with the help of the boys.

I decided to plant rosemary, chives, basil, and cilantro. Those are my summer staples. I then purchased a BURPEE Eco-Friendly seed starting kit for $19.99 at Target. I liked this option as the directions seemed easy to follow for a first timer like myself (haven’t planted a seed since 3rd grade) and the containers were biodegradable. This way transplanting should be easy and if I want to give some of them away, I don’t have to worry about the containers being thrown in a landfill. I followed the directions on the kit, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was. The boys absolutely loved putting the seeds in the dirt and helping me to water. We even labeled each row of seeds with the label sticks included with the kit. It was Russell’s suggestion to draw a picture.

Now I am just waiting it out. Hopefully, my little seeds will germinate soon, and I can transplant and make my favorite summer Caprese salad with fresh basil. Happy Spring!

Settling ’em in

So just to give you a back story, we sold our two bedroom, two bathroom condo in April of 2010. As you can imagine, in this market we lost a significant amount of money on the place as all the condos in our complex are pretty much all the same. Since we were expecting our third child in September and really couldn’t decide on an area to live, my Mom (often referred to in the blog as Nana) offered for us to come live with her until after our newest addition arrived. We thanked her profusely and moved in for the next 10 months while we looked for our dream home. Fast forward to February 2011. We have kid number three, the renovations to the “new” house are complete and it is time to move the circus… AGAIN. Now two moves in a year could quite possibly rock any kids world, but I must say the kids just took it in stride. Brian and I did try our very best to keep things as “normal” as possible for the munchkins and the routines were very tight while we were making the transition, but it is like they didn’t even know we moved. Here’s how we did it: First things first: any stuff that the kids use daily must be put into an “OPEN FIRST” box. Beds, bedding (unwashed for the familiar smell factor), sippy cups, dishes, clothes, potty chairs, favorite jammies, and toys. Those things were unpacked when we walked in the door. A few days before both moves, I made a list of what we did every day and what the kids favorite toys and books were so that I could make sure those things got packed separately and were put away right away when we arrived to our destination. Secondly, the three areas that were put together first were kids rooms, kitchen, and play area. At Nana’s we didn’t bring any furniture except for the crib, pack and play, and toy shelf. However, all of our own bedding was brought for the kids to be comfortable. Also, in Nana’s kitchen we had a few of our own cabinets for sippy cups and the kids favorite snacks. In Nana’s family room we put up our toy shelf and brought all of their favorite toys. When moving to our “new” house I set up the kids rooms, the kitchen, and the family room so that were completely and totally functional. We have yet to add the “extras” such as art on the walls and finishing touches, but all the areas were functional and comfortable for the little ones upon their first steps into the house. Thirdly, when we talked to the kids, we tried to keep the stress talk of the move to a minimum. We talked about it like it was a new adventure. We talked about how big the backyard is, and how George was going to sleep in a big boy bed. We told them that the new couches were cushy and perfect for watching their favorite shows. When questions were asked about the move we answered them as honestly and positively as possible. Russell’s favorite question was: “What color is my new room?Lastly, we stuck to the routines of the house like glue. Our kids pretty much do the same things every day, but sometimes we do switch it up a bit to accommodate a trip to the zoo or a family event. However, for the first few weeks, the routines of the house were uninterrupted. For example, when the kids wake up we get dressed, eat, drink milk, watch a show, play, eat lunch, take a nap, wake up, eat a snack, play, help make dinner, get jammies on, say our prayers and get into bed. (I know you wish you were me right?) We did what we do every day, but I made sure that we were consistent so that the kids knew that they could be comfortable in their new space and not much was changing other than where we did everything.Ultimately, we just did what made the kids happy, and tried our best to keep them comfortable during this crazy transition.Anyone out there go through a move with kids? How did you do it?