

A Novice Blogger’s Guide to PicMonkey

If you like reading Home Everyday, you can vote for me to win The Best Home Projects and DIY Blog at Apartment Therapy’s 2013 Homie Awards here
Thank you so much!


A few weeks ago, a blogger friend, Nikki (More for Four) asked me how I get labels and things on my photos. I told her I could do a quick tutorial of PicMonkey to show how I use it to quick edit my photos, add labels and make collages. The features I use most are cropping, exposure, labels, and text. In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I use most often when editing a picture. I will then show you a few tricks to creating a collage.



1.) Open your internet browser, and go to (it is free and there is no registration). The main page looks like this:


2.) Click on Edit Photo. A window will open asking you to choose the photo you would like to edit. Choose the photo, and click Choose.


3.) Once you have chosen your photo, on the left hand side of the screen, there is a list of editing options on the far left indicated by pictures. They are Basic Edits, Effects, Touch Up, Text, Overlays, Frames, Textures, and Themes. The three I use are Basic Edits, Overlays, and Text.


4.) The first thing I do, is crop my photo.


5.) I then adjust the exposure.


6.) Next I click on the Overlays button on the left, and choose my overlay, as well as color. (once you choose an overlay a window opens allowing you to adjust color and if you would like it to fade). You can adjust size just like you would adjust the size by clicking, holding, and dragging the dots around the edges of your overlay. You can position your overlay, by clicking it and dragging it to its location.


7.) I then add text. If you would like your text to appear inside an overlay, you must do the overlay part first. Then you can position text on top. This process is similar to the overlay. You can choose a font, and then click add Add Text. A window will appear so that you can adjust color, fade, bold, center, etc.


8.) Once you are done making all your adjustments. You can click Save at the top of the page. Choose where you would like to save it, and give your photo a name.


Making a Collage

1.) Open your internet browser and go to
2.) Click on Create a Collage
3.) On the left hand side, click Open Photos. This will allow you to choose any photos you would like included in the collage. (NOTE: For ease, I suggest first editing any photos before making the collage.)
3.) Once you have chosen your photos, you can now choose a layout.
4.) Once you have chosen your layout, you may now click back to
5.) Finally, you can drag and drop your photos where you would like them. If you want to remove a photo or move it location, you may click the small gray X in the corner of each photo and drag and drop again.
6.) Save just as you would when editing.
There you have it. My novice blogger’s uses for PicMonkey. I know it isn’t nearly elaborate as using PhotoShop, but it works for now, it is easy, it is free, and I have been happy with how the pictures have turned out thus far.
Hope this helps!
Linking up today at Serenity Now for Weekend Bloggy Reading!

I Heart My Readers!

This is just a post to say THANK YOU to all of my fabulous readers!

I am approaching my 150th post on Home Everyday. There have been two things that amaze me every day:

1.) That I have found enough to write about both here and at South of I-80 
2.) That there are people that actually read what I am writing, and take time out of their day to give some positive feedback.
I never knew that writing was in the cards for me, but apparently it is something that I really enjoy. Whether it is writing about bathroom stripes, doing a baking tutorial, or commenting on the news of the day, I have found a voice, and am proud to share it.
Also, the comments. Seriously, you guys are the best! If it is an email I have received, a Facebook message, or a comment here on Home Everyday or South of I-80 the feedback has been nothing but positive. People have written me to simply encourage me, or to tell me how I have inspired them.
Here are some comments and notes I have received lately:

“Ok, Erin, this is crazy!!! Not only can I not believe what kind of transformation a color change did for the room; but how you also give me the ‘how to’ of doing it w/mistakes and corrections made [through] the process. NOW, when…and I seriously mean…WHEN are we going to see “erin at home everyday” on a daily TV show? You have that kind of spirit going right now. An every day, how to, can’t figure out where to stare…neither did I, but I tried…something. I LOVE IT!!! Erin, I feel that this IS your calling, or at least where you should be right now. It allows for what you want, which is time with your children. And, freedom, time to be you. (At least this is my interpretation in a simple form.) Rambling, but still..don’t stop, I enjoy.” ~ Angela
“I read your South of I-80 article about childhood toys and careers and I cracked up! Great article! Also after your last Home Everyday post about the Lemon Cookies, I reached out to Mary Beth and will be helping with the cookie care packages! Thanks for sharing that link! You’re making a difference, girl, keep up the great work!” ~Andrea

“First, I have to say I love your blog. As someone who is not anywhere close to being a stay at home mom (I’d have to have kids for that, right?) I still love reading about all the projects (and especially the recipes) you blog about. I’ve been sick at home the past two days so I was just catching up on your posts and I saw the one about your oldest looking to donate glasses. I just got Lasik, so I won’t need mine anymore. Please let him know that he has inspired me to donate my two pairs of glasses to New Eyes for the Needy. Hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful holiday!” ~Deirdre

“These look AMAZING! It’s like Thanksgiving in an appetizer. High Five! :)” ~Maria

Because of this, I want to keep writing. Every single day! I cannot believe that there are people out there willing to donate their time or their glasses because of something that I mentioned. THANK YOU very much! Also, THANK YOU for the positive feedback, keep the comments, likes and virtual HIGH FIVES coming. They are truly appreciated by this gal who likes to share.  As I have mentioned before, if it weren’t for you guys, I’d be talking the Target clerk’s ear off. Now she can work in peace (she thanks you too).

Also, if you want to receive and email every time I post, you can become a Member on the right side bar. If you want to stay connected you can follow me on Facebook here, follow me on Twitter here, follow my Pinterest boards here, or check me out on Instagram here.

Linking up at Mom of 6 for her weekly Share Your Life Series.



Take Care: Goals for 2013

So, since the rest of the blogosphere has shared goals for 2013, I thought I should join in on the fun. There is something about writing down goals, and declaring them to people that lights a fire in you to actually get some things done.

I tend to like themes. Theme gifts (like the wine Bridal Shower gift I put together), theme dinners (Mexican Night, Mom’s favorites, etc), theme parties (this was big during my college days), theme movie marathons (John Hughes is my favorite). So I thought it might be nice to have a list of theme goals for 2013.

The theme for 2013 is Take Care. When I say goodbye to people I typically say, “Take care!” and I really mean it. So this year, I thought I would go with this as my theme. Here goes:

1.) Take care of me! 2012 was a year of getting back on the wagon when it comes to eating things in moderation and getting back on track with fitness. I was able to run a few 5K races as well as an 8K and a 10K. Also, I was able to drop some pounds with healthy eating and cutting out some things that are not needed (daily coffee etc.). While I came a long way in 2012, I want to do even better in 2013. I would like to try some yoga practice while trying to create some healthier food options and share them with you too! I also would like to get back in the good habit of early to bed and early to rise. No more late nights of writing with a bowl of ice cream sitting next to me.


2.) Take care of my family! I do this every day, and I try very hard to be a good wife and mom. However, in 2013 I would like to focus on being more regular about date nights with Brian. While we spend a lot of time together, very rarely is it alone and I would like to try and make time for us about once a month. When it comes to the kids, I would like to take some time and focus on doing more spontaneous fun and less scheduled activity. They are only little once, and I should be taking advantage of this time before they would rather spend more time with their friends than their parents.



3.) Take care of this house! Since we moved into this house, I feel like we have tackled a lot of big projects, and there are still more that I would like to do. While all the projects are not huge or life changing, they are definitely projects that would make our house feel more personal and sentimental. Also, I would like to have a regular house cleaning routine (hopefully I can find something on Pinterest).



4.) Take care of my writing! Over the last few months, I have been amazed in myself and all that I have been able to accomplish. To be honest, I have never liked something this much. I am finding while I may not be the next Maya Angelou, I really love writing and seeing the response that people have to what I write. It is exhilarating. Every day, I am writing down more and more ideas I have for Home Everyday as well as South of I-80. I would really like to be more consistent in my posting and hope to write a little more out of my comfort zone once in awhile.


So there you have it. My theme goals for 2013. What is on your agenda for 2013?

P.S. I posted a little something on South of I-80 today as well if you’d like to check it out. 

Grateful: November Challenge Week 5

Today is the final recap of the 30 Day Gratitude Photo Challenge at Positively Present. If you want to read my other recaps they are here, here, here, and here.

Day 23, Energy: On this day, I was thankful that despite all the craziness, we all still had enough energy to get some major things accomplished while Brian had a few days off. I finally frosted the garage windows so everyone who drives by doesn’t have to see the mess that is our garage.
Day 24, Adventure: I struggled with this one. When I hear the word adventure I think of like an amazing trip with parasailing, zip lining, scuba diving or base jumping. I’m not a thrill like person (can’t you tell? as I drive 35 mph in a 40). Anyway, it got me thinking about more tame adventures, and I am definitely thankful for this adventure called blogging. I have met some amazing people as well has learned a lot about myself. Thanks for joining me on this wonderful adventure that basically started as a way to share recipes, DIY projects, and parenting tips. It has turned into another opportunity at ChicagoNow and 35 followers and growing (Shameless Plug: If you don’t read my other blog, check it out here).
Day 25, Beauty: Thankful for the daily beauty that makes me smile and enjoy life a little more. Here’s George watching his favorite animals (horses) at the zoo.
Day 26, Tradition: I am so grateful for tradition as I feel it helps connect me to people who live far away. On Thanksgiving morning my Mom would ask my siblings and I to break up all all the bread for the stuffing. I remember sitting with my brothers and sister in our jammies, watching the Macy’s parade, and breaking up bread into a huge bowl. I asked my kids to help me this year, and sent the picture to my brother Kevin who lives 2200 miles away. We reminisced together about Thanksgivings of yore.
Day 27, Sound: Sometimes the noise and the mess of having little ones can get to a person (I swear if I step on another Matchbox car and almost break my neck, I will lose it). However, I often think of how grateful I am for the noise and the mess. This time is very temporary and I realize that every day. Someday, I will have a perfectly decorated and clean home with no pitter patter, no giggles, no loud toys, and no pretend sounds. For now, I’m taking a deep breath and thankful for this, because I know I’m going to be one of those old ladies who leaves the radio on before leaving the house so there is noise when I get home. Here are the munchkins playing with the felt tree I made them.
Day 28, Comfort: Sometimes I still think I am destined to be a nurse. While I love to be comforted for and taken care of, it is still my favorite thing in life to do that for other people. I am thankful that I have many people in my life that I can help take care of and give comfort. Kissing Coco after a tumble outside.
Day 29, Art: I am thankful for Etsy. I know, after all that mushy stuff up there, it is silly. But honestly, when I need to cheer up, I just go to Etsy, and even if I don’t buy anything seeing all the beautiful things, crafts, and art created by people just makes me smile.
Day 30, Love: I am so thankful that there are so many days in my life I have experienced so much love, I think my heart isn’t going to be able to take it. This was one of those days.
Thanks for following along for the month of November!

Grateful: November Challenge Week 4

Happy New Year! Just kidding. Doesn’t it seem like so long since Thanksgiving already? Maybe it is because I’ve been soaking in every bit of the long weekend, which had the perfect balance of accomplishing projects around the house and spending time with family and friends.

Since I took a blog break for the holiday, today’s post it is a recap of my participation in the Positively Present’s 30 Day Gratitude Photo Challenge. To read the first three recaps, you can click here, here and here.

Day 16, Inspiration: Being a blogger here at Home Everyday and on ChicagoNow I sometimes get a little block about what to write about, so I am always grateful for inspiration. Sometimes it comes from the strangest of places. For example, these ornaments at Target are inspiring a crafty project!

Day 17, Weather: The fall here has been amazing here. We have been spending way more time outside that I ever thought possible this time of year. Here we are doing sidewalk chalk just a few days before Thanksgiving!

Day 18, Change: A big change happened this passed week. My oldest turned 5! 5?!?!? I am so incredibly grateful that I have a happy healthy 5 year old.

Day 19, Laughter: The past week has been filled with lots of laughter. Sharing jokes with my sister and Mom at Thanksgiving dinner, the kids giggling putting up Christmas decorations, and staying up late to watch Christmas Vacation have all made me thankful that we have lots to laugh about.

Day 20, Food: Prepping for Thanksgiving dinner kept me busy on this day. When I went to put the Turkey in the fridge to brine, I realized how full our fridge was. In that moment I was very thankful for a full refrigerator. Rearranging to make room for the turkey, turned into washing juice carton, and replacing with milk to make everything fit. This is a good problem to have.

Day 21, Home: I am grateful for the physical space of our home, and thankful that we are comfortable here, but mostly I’m thankful for the people who live here.

Day 22, Color: Did you know there are way more than 50 shades of gray? Now I do. While narrowing down paint samples can be frustrating, I am grateful that I have the opportunity to choose.


Grateful: November Challenge Week 3

Good morning and Happy Friday! I have been totally amazed at all the grateful posts I’ve seen on Facebook over the last three weeks. It definitely puts things into perspective. Today is my third installment of the 30 Day Gratitude Photo Challenge. To read my first two Grateful Posts, you can click here and here.

Day 9, Holidays: This year, when it comes to the holidays I am truly thankful for the traditions that were established by our families, but also the ones that Brian and I have started together with our kids. Our favorite is the day after Thanksgiving we put up our holiday decorations. Here are the boxes waiting in the dining room to be unpacked. The kids are bursting to put up their stockings.


Day 10, Kindness: On this day, I am so grateful for how genuinely kind my kids are to others and to each other. I took this picture after family photos while playing with my camera. I didn’t come out as I hoped, but the point is I have it captured for eternity of the boys hugging.

Day 11, Friendship: In my lifetime, I have been blessed with many people whom I can call friend. However, today is a day were I am extremely thankful for my sister. It is a bond and friendship that I’m grateful for every single day. Here she is cooking with Russell.


Day 12, Music: Ok, I’m one of those people that listen to Christmas music early. So today, I was grateful that the Christmas station in Chicago started playing 24/7 Christmas music.


Day 13, Time: Just grateful I have enough time for the things that matter. The time to chat with Russell about his day at school. The time to bake muffins with George. The time to snuggle on the couch with Caroline. The time to stay up a little later with Brian and enjoy some quiet time. The time to wake up early and play trains.


Day 14, Creativity: I’m often amazed at the creativity of my kids and for this I am grateful. Sometimes I wonder if we should buy them an educational toy, or if I should enroll them in another park district class. Then, I see them using what they have to play rocket ship or make up a game together with a ball. They amaze me with their imagination. Here is George with goggles and all being a jockey… again.

Day 15, Family: Yesterday we took our family portraits for Christmas cards. This day typically makes me batty. Getting 3 kids ages 4, 3, and 2 clean and in nice coordinating outfits with hair combed, shoes tied and get them to stay clean while I get dressed with makeup and presentable hair by myself is crazy. Then we meet Brian at the photographer and try to get everyone to look decently happy with bribes of M&M’s and popcorn.  I’m still exhausted! However, I am well aware that this is something we don’t have to do and that I am blessed beyond measure to have a healthy and happy family that gets a family picture taken once a year. I am grateful for meeting Brian and us being able to create this wonderful family not just today, but every day.



Kickin’ It Celebrity Style: YHL Book Signing

This past weekend, my hubby and I headed up to Lincoln Park in Chicago to meet John and Sherry Petersik and get my new Young House Love book signed. With all the craziness of the past few weeks, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go, but I am so happy that I put some things on hold and went.

For those that don’t know, John and Sherry write the amazing blog, Young House Love and recently published a book with over 200 ways to creatively update a home. The photos in the book are fantastic, and upon flipping through the book for 10 minutes, I already got the itch to break out the fabric and paint cans. Some of the clever projects include furniture updates, painting, styling, and crafting. Put this book on your Christmas list if you haven’t already. It is awesome!

In addition to meeting John and Sherry, there were some other perks to this fantastic day. Brian and I were able to go together sans children for some quality time together, and the signing was at West Elm so there was an awesome chance to do a little browsing.

We got there about 10:45 a.m. for a 1:00 p.m. book signing, which I know sounds crazy, but once they arrived the line moved very quickly. The line behind us was super long, so we were glad we got there when we did. It was as if every DIYer in Chicago wanted to see John and Sherry (understandably). However, the waiting wasn’t so bad when cocoa and these beautiful babies showed up.


Brian and I enjoyed our cookies and cocoa and made some friends around us. We all exchanged stories of our DIY adventures. Then we started talking of other people we would wait in line to see. I mentioned Food Network stars (priorities people), and some people mentioned the president. So there you have it, John and Sherry, you know you’ve made it when the only other person that people would wait in line to see other than you is the president.


After cookie time, we were allowed inside. In addition to the people, the little details that were part of the book signing are what made it so fun. I loved the cookies, but my favorite was the cute table set up with crafts projects from the book along with details about which page to find the craft.


As we made it closer to the front of the line, Brian, my new found friends, and I started to get a little giddy. So giddy, that Brian actually started to do a little West Elm shopping (Brian is not typically a shopper). We bought a few cute things for some upcoming projects that I will share in the coming weeks.


Finally, it was time to meet the Petersiks. They couldn’t have been sweeter people, and I think were overwhelmed by the number of people that came to see them in Chicago. Brian asked John what his favorite tool is, and John said he loves the Kreg Jig. Now I know what to get Brian for Christmas. Then this happened:


Yeah, they remember me. I nearly fainted from excitement. With all the people that read their blog, it was so awesome to see that they really do remember comments. Again, they were incredibly friendly!

One more picture, and then it was time to go (Brian wasn’t big on being in the picture, but he was pretty excited too).


On the way out, they had a guest book that they wanted people to sign to remember their book tour (again, so clever). I of course took a few pictures of my book, and the book I got signed for my buddy Colleen who couldn’t make it. Merry Christmas, Colleen!


There you have my idea of a perfect date! Quality time chatting with the hubby, cookies, shopping, and meeting my two favorite bloggers. It doesn’t get much better than that.


Grateful: November Challenge Week 2

Welcome to the second installment of the 30 Day Gratitude Photo Challenge that I am participating in on Positively Present. Last week, I posted a the first installment and each week I will highlight all the moments of gratitude I have experienced over the last seven days.

Day 3, Nature: I do love the outdoors, but on this day I was particularly grateful for living in the midwest this time of year. The colors get me every time. A picture from our nature walk.

Day 4, Clothing: Folding clothes is one of those chores that often makes me roll the eyes. Will this ever end? As the weather gets cooler here though, I am so glad that I have clothes to fold. My kids have warm clothes, socks, and jammies. Not everyone is so lucky, and I am truly grateful for this. This is my weekly pile of kids clothes.

Day 5, Knowledge: I am grateful that I have a personality that keeps me researching, learning, reading, and curious. I love to learn, and I am grateful for that. Here is me looking up something again (after I find the perfect iTunes song of course).

Day 6, Memories: I write another blog called South of I-80 and every time I write, I recall so many happy and hilarious memories growing up. My family is truly a mix of some of the most wonderful people I have ever met in my life, and the memories keep me laughing. This is a picture of my Dad and I that I have hanging in my house, I just snapped a picture of it on my iPhone.

Day 7, Innovation: The day after Election Day. I’m so thankful and grateful for my ability to vote and be part of a country that is governed of the people, by the people and for the people. Thank you to the innovators over 200 years ago that have made this possible today. This is me walking into the polling place.


Day 8, Sleep: I, of course, am always grateful for a good night’s sleep, but lately as I tip toe into the kids’ rooms every night to check on them, fix their covers and give them one more kiss. I am still so grateful that they let me do this. I know my days are numbered and they will be too cool for kisses, snuggles, bedtime stories, and footie jammies.

There you have it, another week of absolute gratitude.

Have an awesome weekend, everyone!

My Family thinks I’m the Paparazzi Now: Cannon Rebel

Awhile back was Brian and I’s 6 Year Anniversary, and I celebrated with a week of going down memory lane (here, here, here, here, and here). What I forgot to tell you, though, was the awesome gift we gave to each other. You ready? Here she is:


Gorgeous no? Weird taking a picture of a camera… I had to take this on my iPhone so it didn’t come out as lovely.

This decision was a long time coming. When Brian and I are about to plunk down a significant amount of money, we do a TON of research. Here is our little adventure of buying our awesome new camera, and just thank your lucky stars that I’m not letting you in on our car buying experiences (you’d be reading for days).

When we found out we were pregnant with my oldest 5 years ago (has it been that long?!) we got a Canon PowerShot. It served us well. In fact, it lasted through three kids, two moves, and plenty of trips and special events. We used it so much, it was starting to see better days. Also, taking pictures of an unmoving newborn is way easier than three rambunctious tots. You can see the blur here:


Then in July, I started blogging. We weren’t sure how often I was going to blog, but it was pretty clear that iPhone photos and the PowerShot weren’t going to cut it. If you want evidence of jenky photos please refer to my first two months of blogging.

With all of that said. The research began. We first took some advice from a good friend who loves photography, Melissa. She has her own blog called Jamrockstar which showcases some of her photography skills as well as her musings about life. Hopefully soon, she will do a guest post for me (hint, hint).

Melissa gave us the best suggestion. She said we should look at all options, hold them, see how they feel in our hands, practice switching lenses, and play with some of the different settings. So we did. We walked around Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and our local camera shop, and we just held cameras and tried shooting a few photos. This really helped us narrow things down, and I am so happy that I didn’t make a decision without seeing and trying one out.

Speaking of trying out a camera, our friends Lisa and Bill (who also have three amazing kids), own a Canon DSLR that they loaned us for a few weeks to make our final decision.

So, after checking things out, we decided that we wanted a Cannon Rebel T3i. The added bonus of wanting a Canon was that we still had Brian’s automatic zoom lens and removable flash from his days taking and developing film photos for the Purdue Exponent.   

We had a very strict budget in mind, and were even willing to wait until Black Friday to score a deal. The long search began. While we were searching, Canon had just released the T4i model, which was good for us. Stores wanted to get rid of T3i’s to make room for the new model. WOOHOO! Savings galore. For a few weeks, we scoured the internet, store flyers, and eBay. Then one night we happened to go right to the Canon Direct website, and noticed they have a refurbished store, and they had a GREAT deal on the Rebel T3i. It was no tax, free shipping, and was the cheapest deal we’ve seen. It also came with a 90 day warranty AND Brian found an online promo code. While it wasn’t the full year warranty on a brand new Canon, we read some online reviews, and there were nothing but good things to say about refurbished Canon products.

Long story short… well long. We bit the bullet, and bought it.

Now, look at all these beautiful photos that our new Canon has taken. While I still have lots to learn about the camera (I read the booklet nightly and research tons of internet resources on photo editing), I cannot believe that even a novice like me has taken some of these awesome photos.


Also, I’ve been able to practice my photography skills with the November Challenge.

Linking up today at Serenity Now for Weekend Bloggy Reading. Check out everyone else’s amazing projects!

Grateful: November Challenge

November usually marks the beginning of a lot of gratitude. People all over the internet are Facebooking, pinning, and tweeting their gratitude for the month of November. There are millions of examples of thankful tablecloths, jars, and river rocks. While I love all these ideas, I wanted to do something that I knew I could do every single day.

All week I was trying to find the perfect way to express how grateful I am for all the blessings that me and my family have. Basically, I wanted something that was easy. We have hectic lives and hectic schedules, and sometimes the gratitude is happening right there in the moment. Like when I’m watching the kids throw leaves in the air, and I think, “Thank goodness they are healthy.”


The rest of the day passes, and I’m too exhausted to write it on river rocks. So, after some Googling (another thing for which I am grateful) I found the Thirty Day Gratitude Photo Challenge.

This is PERFECT! I am still learning to use our new Canon Rebel (post to come next week), and I am starting to love everything about Instagram, I knew that more times than not I would probably have a camera in hand. So, I’m joining the challenge. Who else is in?

On Fridays in November, in will be dumping all the grateful moments I’ve had that week. Also, if you want you can ‘Like’ the Home Everyday fan page or follow me on Instagram (eskibs). Let’s share all the reasons we are grateful together.

So, since this is the first Friday of November, here are my first two grateful photos.

November 1, Words: My kids are all so close in age that I can remember a time when they were all too little to say anything. So while I had a full house of kids, I did a lot of talking without a lot of response. So grateful, that all of them can communicate with me now. Like when George said, “Mommy, you are my friend, and you are my superhero.”


November 2, Technology: Today, I’m so grateful that I can sit wherever I like to blog, listen to music, check email and edit pictures. Even if it means at 6:30 a.m. with a cup of tea at the dining room table.
Stay tuned for the next few weeks of gratitude. Anyone else want to join in on the fun? (Don’t forget you can see more timely updates via Home Everyday’s Facebook fan page or follow eskibs on Instagram and #gratitude30).