So, This is What the Present Feels Like

You guys, I am so in denial.

If I wasn’t so hot all the time, I would cover my head with the blankets and hide until Halloween.

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Here is the thing, I love the start of school. New teachers, new friends, the smell of a new box of crayons all with so much potential for a wonderful and productive school year. There will be learning happening. There will be growth. There will be fun. There will be reading logs, journals, flashcards, and math. There will be field trips and lunches and school bus stories. There will be cooler weather. There will be autumn leaves and soccer practice and hot chocolate and snuggles. There will be organization and normalcy.

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This is one of my favorite times of year.

However, didn’t summer just get here? Didn’t I just make the summer bucket list? Didn’t I just build a fire at 8:00 a.m. to have s’mores for breakfast? Didn’t we just have swim lessons? Didn’t we just spray the grass off our feet with the hose before coming into the house? Didn’t we just watch the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup? Didn’t we just bunk your beds, hang twinkle lights, read Harry Potter, go on day trips, watch movies, drink floats, go to car shows, and laze about? Didn’t we just get back from vacation?

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The seasons are passing more quickly now it seems, which is why I am firmly planted in denial.

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In a world where school supplies are next to pool toys, Halloween is discussed in July, and Christmas decor is already making an appearance it is hard for me not to feel guilty about my lack of over the top school preparation this year. Typically, I am in a organizational frenzy, cleaning every nook and cranny of the house and purchasing every possible back to school supply needed.

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This year however, it’s the bare minimum.

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The more I think about it, though, the more I realize I am not in denial, really. I am just firmly planted in the present. Living in the moment. Something, I must say, I am not used to. One foot in summer, one foot in autumn. Still waking up late and not grocery shopping while at the same time making lists for the upcoming year and faxing allergy forms to school. I am excited for autumn’s arrival while enjoying the last remaining days of our summer. Soaking up every ounce of sunshine, sprinklers, and popsicles while making sure my little ducks are in a row and have everything they need in due time. Autumn will be waiting for me. Summer will not.

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So, this is what living in the moment feels like. I like it. I think I will stay.





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