Sharing the Blog Love

Last week, I got a wonderful surprise. A friend of mine and fellow Listen To Your Mother cast mate RoiAnn of Are You the Babysitter? nominated me for the Liebster Award.


So, I bet you’re wondering what is a Liebster Award? The Liebster Award is a unique way to discover new blogs to read. My friend, RoiAnn has been reading Home Everyday and thought other’s should know about it too. Thank you, RoiAnn! I knew that I would meet some amazing women being a part of the Listen To Your Mother Cast, but I had know idea just how amazing.

I have found that one of the most wonderful things about blogging has been reading other blogs and finding some amazing writers. The blogspshere is kind of an interesting place in that there are all kind of people and stories. Also, there are blogs that I have been reading for years and there are new ones that pop up all the time. Thus, The Liebster award is a way of sharing with readers and other bloggers the blogs that I read, but otherwise might not have heard of. Who knows, you may just discover your second favorite blog (I’m you’re first favorite, right?).


Here’s how it works:


  1. Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answering the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
  3. Nominate 11 small (no more than 200 followers) blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
  4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
  5. No tag backs, meaning you can’t just re-nominate the person who nominated you.
RoiAnn wants to know (and my readers do too):
  1. What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had two breakfasts today, actually. For morning breakfast, I had Cheerios with banana and low fat milk. Then, by popular request, I made breakfast for dinner (also known as brinner in our house). I had: pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, and fruit salad.
  2. Train, Bus, Bicycle, Car, Skateboard, or your Own Two Feet? Two feet. There is less chance of accident that way. Notice how I said, “less chance” Sometimes, I’m clumsy.
  3. Paper or Plastic? Reusable.
  4. If you could retire tomorrow comfortably, would you? I’m not sure, I mean I would probably just paint every room and piece of furniture in my house, cook all the time, and write all day anyway. I am kind of doing my favorite things all the time. However, I do get paid regularly for any of these things (yet), so I would take the retirement package.
  5. If you’ve ever been locked out of your house, how did you get back in? When I was in grammar school, I took the bus home from school, and my Mom was always there to greet me. However, one day, she had to run and pick my brother up front he train and wasn’t back in time when I walked home from the bus. So, I didn’t even try getting back in knowing she would be home soon. I just hung out in the backyard reading a book oh and praying she got back soon, I really had to use the bathroom.
  6. What is the first book you remember reading and really, really liking? I grew up spending many hours reading. I loved all sorts of books, however, the first book that really changed my perspective, made me think, really caused kind of an enlightening was when I read To Kill a Mockingbird. I was in 7th grade, and it was so different from the YA books I had been reading.
  7. What is something you say every day? With three little munchkins running around, I am repeatedly saying things I promised I would never say, things such as: “Go to your room” “Pick that up, do I look like your maid?” “You’ll put someone’s eye out!” However, these things are always followed by “I Love You.” So it evens out.
  8. Have you ever jumped out of an airplane? As my Grandpa Leo would’ve said, “Why would I jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”
  9. How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve? My sister hosts my family for appetizers and banging pots and pans at midnight. We love it!
  10. What are the printed words closest to you right now? I’m in the family room surrounded by toys so, Bee Bop Band.
  11. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike? This is one of my most favorite memories. I was 6 and had been practicing all summer, but just couldn’t get the hang of it. Then, I remember it was a Sunday, and my parents went out for the night and my older siblings were in charge of me. My three older siblings finally taught me how to ride my bike to the corner and back by myself. Then, we ate mac and cheese and watched Robin Hood on the Disney Sunday Night Movie.
Now that you know more about me, and honestly these questions gave me some good ideas for blog posts (Thanks again, RoiAnn), let’s get to the really fun part.
Liebster Award Nominations (in no particular order)
1. More for Four – a great blog for crafts, recipes, and design ideas.
2. Prairie Girl to Southern Belle – the recipes are my favorite, but awesome ideas for around the house too.
2. A Grace Full Life – a little bit of this and that, and a lot about life.
3. Quilting! Sewing! Creating!  – I don’t even quilt and I love this blog!
4. Ups and Downs of a Yoga Mom – Mothering, cooking, yoga, and life, doesn’t get much better than that.
5.Comedy, Tragedy or Me? – Who doesn’t need a good laugh?
6. The Style Letters – For those that don’t know I love reading about fashion. This blog is PERFECT!
7. Grandbaby Cakes – WARNING! This blog may lead to a few pounds, but it is so worth it.
8. Rue 29 – follow along on this family’s home renovations.
9. Dad All Day – pure hilarity.
10. Social Butterfly Mom – want to know how to be an awesome mom and maintain a social life? This is the blog for you.
11. Windy Poplars – recipes and photography = awesome!
Here are my questions:
1.) Why do you blog?
2.) Where and what time of day to your usually write?
3.) Purger? or Pack Rat?
4.) If you were stranded on an elevator would you rather hear Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe” or Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” over and over?
5.) What is your feeing on pets?
6.) What is your favorite part of your home?
7.) Who do you talk to every day?
8.) What was the first thought that popped into your head this morning?
9.) What is your favorite time of year?
10.) Summer is almost over, what are you feelings on this?
11.) Sausage or Bacon?
I hope that you found some new blogs to follow, and if you liked this post and would like to read more, become a Home Everyday follower here. Also, you can follow me on Facebook here.




  1. Great blog, Erin. One quick note: it's Robin Thicke, not Alan Thicke, who sings "Blurred Lines." Keep writing!

  2. Sweet. It surprises me how common the two-breakfast day can be! And To Kill a Mockingbird – the first truly life-altering book I recall from my childhood, too! Thank you for playing – {{Virtual Hugs.}}

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