Staying on Track: Entry Organization

The school year is in full swing, and along with that comes schedules, sports, park district classes, and family events. Because of all the insanity fun, I have made it my mission to try and stay as organized as possible so that we can spend more time together, and less time looking through papers and tripping over shoes.

Sharon over at Mom of 6 has started a 4 week Organize Your Life Boot Camp, which I have decided to join in order to stay motivated, share some tips, and learn some new organizing techniques. The first week’s assignment is setting up stations around the house to keep things organized. I must say this Boot Camp has been way more fun than the kind at my gym.


Our front hall closet makeover has come in so handy with this process. We all have a place to drop things when we walk in the door. No more tripping over backpacks, coats, shoes, and shin guards. These pictures show how well it has been working out so far.




The dresser that I painted has become a place to drop mail, school papers, and keys. The white Martha Stewart magazine holder is filled with files marked: Bills, Short Term Business, Long Term Business, School, To File, and To Scrapbook. The tray from JoAnn fabrics is the perfect place to drop school papers and mail as soon as we walk in the door. We can sort into the files, when we have time.


The drawers of the dresser also serve to store all things we need daily. The top drawer has pens, pencils, note pads, coupons, and some things that I grab as I walk out the door like hand sanitizer, a tape measure, Tide stain remover pen, and travel tissue.

Finally, the side of the fridge, which is only a few feet from our front entry, has been a perfect place to put our family calendar, weekly food menu, and invitations to upcoming events.


Stay tuned next week for the next stage of Get your Life Organized Boot Camp, Establishing Routines. Again, way more fun than real boot camp.



  1. Erin- This is fantastic! I love the idea of using a dresser as your family's command center! Thanks so much for participating in the Boot Camp and linking up! Your post will be featured in Friday's Wrap Up on Momof6!

  2. I really like what you have done… I wish our house was laid out in a way that I could do similar things because one of the biggest causes of clutter is the fact that we have no place to store all of the type of stuff you put when you come in the door. Great ideas!

    1. You should go on Pinterest and see if you can find any ideas that are similar to your layout of house. Also, any wall space can have hooks put on for hang up storage, and then have a big basket for shoes, and Voila, entry storage.

      Take care,

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