Getting Down to Business: Front Hall Closet Organization

This project has been a long time coming. With three little kids who are pretty active, and who are now about to start pre-school, I was starting to stress about an area for them to put backpacks, lunch pails, shoes, coats, not to mention soccer cleats, shin guards, swim goggles, and all the other crapΒ stuff that kids come home with. This is what our dumping ground looked like last week.


Martha Stewart would be appalled. I’m appalled, and honestly cannot believe I’m sharing this photo.

Anyway, the first step was to find a place for mail, keys, and papers. I painted an old dresser for all of those things, which you can read about here.

Then, I decided we should have a place for everything else that comes in the door. Since my kids are too little to do the hanger thing, I decided on hooks for coats and backpacks, and plenty of baskets for shoes, hats, and other gear. I also thought it would be nice to have a place to sit and put on shoes or set things down. So, I made our closet into a mini mudroom.

I bought three Ikea Lack tables for $8 each, and put them in the closet to create a bench with a place for baskets and boots. Then, I added some shelving which I turned sideways to create cubbies for more storage. Next, I removed the hanger bar, and added lots of hooks.



Now, the kids are ready for school. We all have places for our things, and we have extra hooks and space for guests.





I think I would like to make some cushions for the top of the bench, but I am just happy we are organized.

I am so happy to be linking up with Honey We’re Home. There is a home organization link up party going on there now. This is one of my favorite places for ideas!

I am also linking up with I Heart Organzing. Today is a link party sharing everyone’s back to school organizing ideas. I think I’m going to be on a Pin frenzy today!




    1. Nikki, just a head's up they sell VERY similar tables at Target. They have them out on end caps right now for college kids, if you are interested. We love our closet! Thanks for stopping by.

      Take care,

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