

Cabin Fever Means Cabinet Organization

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I don’t know if you heard, but the midwest is in the middle of a big freeze. Road are treacherous and in some cases impassable, schools are not in session, and it is recommended people stay indoors. There are only so many books you can read, TV shows you can watch, and games you can play with three little ones before we start getting a little stir crazy.

So, since we are beginning a new year, and I wanted to get some organizing done anyway, I thought it best to have the little ones help. I thought that helping me do a few projects around the house would help alleviate any cabin fever we were experiencing.

This cabinet is the bane of my existence. The plastic storage container cabinet. This is also where I keep all the “kid dishes” in the house so that the kids are able to help set the table. It is a corner cabinet with a Lazy Susan.


This cabinet was jammed with crap. So much crap that I could no longer turn the Lazy Susan, meaning I only had access to about 1/8 of the things I needed.

The first step to organizing this awful space was to just remove everything. This is where the kids were exceptionally helpful, they were so happy to make a mess and pull everything out of the cabinet.


The next step was to sort all of this stuff. I asked the kids to get all the lids and gather them up. Then, the gathered up all the containers. I sat at the kitchen table and tried to find matches of lids and containers (even princesses need to help sort the Tupperware cabinet sometimes).


I was so happy to sort all this stuff, and get rid of everything we didn’t need anymore. I also used some of the larger containers without matching lids to help house little things like lids and sippy cup straws.


Now, that this cabinet is organized, I wonder what other organizational mischief I will get into with this cold weather.

For more about organization, DIY, gardening, cooking, baking or all other things domestic, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.


Time Flies… Or Does It?

The other day, I came upstairs to find this:

Three munchkins playing in the tupperware cabinet. At first, I’m not going to lie, I was a little annoyed. There they are sitting right in my way, and it is almost time for lunch. Then, I took a deep breath, and started to thank my lucky stars that they are still young enough to enjoy playing in the tupperware cabinet. Thanking God they are still little, and enjoy simple things.


Time has gone so fast it seems in the past few years, that in this moment I was so happy that it had slowed down, just a bit.


Someone once told me that someday I will miss the quiet and the mess so enjoy it. So that is what I’m going to do from now on.


Even if that means I have to re-organize the tupperware cabinet once in awhile.