
tooth fairy

Losing Teeth: Tooth Fairy Pillows

The parents of older children like Tweens who are in the aloof stage of life asserting independence and start to pull away probably don’t want to commiserate with me. The Teen parents probably whose kids apply to colleges and DRIVE around from place to place (by the way you’re saints) will most likely think I am absolutely ridiculous. These parents have bigger problems than to talk to a Mom who is clearly unstable about a stage of life that is seemingly normal, and passes so quickly.

The losing of the baby teeth is emotional for me. With every one that falls out, and with every visit from the Tooth Fairy I am reminded of how close these little people are to not being so little anymore.


Look at them, they’re huge!

I remember when these kids had no teeth and I was lovingly nursing, making bottles, and pureeing baby food. Now, they are eating like horses and the amount of pancakes I flip in the morning would be enough to give anyone carpal tunnel. I remember waking up with teething little babies in the night to comfort them and give them something cool to gnaw on while they settled in to my shoulder to be rocked to sleep. Now, my darlings take up more room in the bed in my husband. I remember when they would stick their chubby little fingers in their mouths when those back molars would be coming in. Now, they are wiggling those teeth free or to point to an adult tooth coming in.


The only team we all agree on is the Blackhawks.

AN ADULT TOOTH. There is no way the boys kids in my house playing Playmobile Soccer and helping their baby sister put clothes on her baby dolls are ready for adult teeth.

When the first tooth was lost by oldest son, I kind of shrugged it off. However, now with my kids being so close in age, they are popping out all over the place. Sometimes, I think the Tooth Fairy is going to forget whose pillow to put money under.

To mark this milestone, to keep things organized, and as a little therapy for myself, I made the kids Tooth Fairy Pillows.


As my regular readers know, I don’t have a sewing machine, so I had to do this the old fashioned way, but honestly, I was able to do them while watching Netflix. Let’s not pretend I wasn’t going to be watching a show anyway. I got them done in about 2 – 2 hour sessions this includes tracing, cutting, and sewing. (Remember I did THREE and I stop to take pictures for my lovely Readers.)

White Felt (for tooth shaped pillow)
Color Felt for Heart and Pocket
Embroidery Floss
Pillow fill cotton balls

Full Disclosure: I don’t have measurements or amounts of felt or thread used as I wasn’t sure what size my pillows would be. Please note that these can be any size you want and you can always return any unused and UNCUT felt.



Trace or Draw: I am not good at anything free hand, so I printed out  a picture of a tooth, a square, and a heart and traced each of these on the the felt. (Yes, I even traced the square.) Remember, you are making a pillow, so you will need two EXACT tracings of the teeth to sew together.


Cut: I, then, cut out all the teeth, squares and hearts.


Find your a show: I would suggest something that isn’t too deep, like a comedy. Maybe even a movie you have watched before as you will have to kind of pay attention to the hand sewing until you get hang of it. Unless of course you have a sewing machine, then you can ignore this entirely.

Sew: First, using the embroidery floss, sew a square onto the center of one of the teeth. This will serve as the pocket so you will only want to sew the bottom, and two sides. I used a straight stitch.


Then, on the other tooth cutout sew your heart using the same stitch.

Next, putting the wrong sides together (meaning the heart and the pocket facing out, begin sewing the two tooth pieces together using a whipstich. NOTE: Make sure not to stitch the entire way around because you still need to fill the pillow. 

Fill: After the pillow is stitched about 3/4 of the way around, using your pillow fill or some cotton balls go ahead and fill the pillow just an tiny bit. NOTE: If you stuff the pillow too much it will be difficult to get teeth and treasures out of the pocket.

Finish it Up: Finish sewing using the whipstitch.



What milestones of your children are making you sentimental? Any of them inspire a craft?

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