

St. Patrick’s Day Spirit

Over the years, three things keep happening to me. I get
older. I get wiser. I have become worse with my time management skills.
I have found it increasingly difficult to manage my time and
the time of my family. It seems like rather than crossing things off my To Do
list I just keep adding. I have just come the realization that there will
always be something to do, and I will somehow get it done. I pay for it, and I
go through spurts of very busy and chaotic times. However, it is worth it.
In fact, I really wouldn’t have it any other way.
I know there are times I should be going through the papers
on my desk or putting laundry away, or planning for something.
However, there are days when I know there are just much more
important things to do. Like chatting and eating lunch with my girl after
pre-school. Stopping by my Mom’s for a cup of tea and a visit. Baking something
with real butter. Being on a funny group text with my siblings. Playing hockey
in the driveway with my boys. Drinking the nice wine and telling stories with
my friends.
I was thinking about St. Patrick’s Day, and how I love going
to my Mom’s with my family to eat and just be. There is no exchanging of
presents, or dressing up, or fanciness. There is family, laughing, some
stories, maybe some music (if we remember to turn it on), butter on Irish Soda
Bread, and a beer or two.
That’s it. While it doesn’t seem like much, it is everything
in this life.
Which is why I love this day so much, and why as I get older
I’m trying to live it out a little bit every day. The older I get the wiser I
am and the more I appreciate these small moments.
So, however you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, remember to
include your family, have a few laughs, tell some stories, maybe a little music
(if you remember to turn it on), don’t for get the butter, and maybe have a
beer or two if that’s your thing.
Try to do a bit of that every day.
Because in this life, it is everything!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Readers!If you like this post and would like to read more about all things domestic with a touch of humor, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write such as ChicagoNow or Chicago Parent follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.