

Pretty Storage: Painted Baskets

As the holiday season approaches, I encourage the kids to take an inventory of their toys. We donate what they do not play with anymore, recycle what is broken, and try and make room for anything that Santa brings.

This yearly toy overhaul helps teach the kids how blessed they are, encourages them to help others who have less, and I think helps them make decisions. However, when we are doing the yearly toy overhaul, I get a little organizationally crazy and being thinking about different storage solutions for all of these things.

Some of our storage baskets were a bit, well, boring.


These baskets have been around since before Brian and I were married and have been rotated for all kind of use, but are currently in the family room housing doll house furniture and people and some other smaller toys.

As I try to add more color to the family room, I thought of a great idea. I decided to paint these boring baskets. I got out my acrylic paints, a paint brush and turned on the movie Rushmore during nap time.



After two hours of some creative painting, and a night of letting them dry, they were a more colorful way to store some of the kids’ favorite toys.


Seeing how adorable these baskets turned out has me itching to paint some more things.

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