
st. patrick’s day

St. Patrick’s Day Spirit

Over the years, three things keep happening to me. I get
older. I get wiser. I have become worse with my time management skills.
I have found it increasingly difficult to manage my time and
the time of my family. It seems like rather than crossing things off my To Do
list I just keep adding. I have just come the realization that there will
always be something to do, and I will somehow get it done. I pay for it, and I
go through spurts of very busy and chaotic times. However, it is worth it.
In fact, I really wouldn’t have it any other way.
I know there are times I should be going through the papers
on my desk or putting laundry away, or planning for something.
However, there are days when I know there are just much more
important things to do. Like chatting and eating lunch with my girl after
pre-school. Stopping by my Mom’s for a cup of tea and a visit. Baking something
with real butter. Being on a funny group text with my siblings. Playing hockey
in the driveway with my boys. Drinking the nice wine and telling stories with
my friends.
I was thinking about St. Patrick’s Day, and how I love going
to my Mom’s with my family to eat and just be. There is no exchanging of
presents, or dressing up, or fanciness. There is family, laughing, some
stories, maybe some music (if we remember to turn it on), butter on Irish Soda
Bread, and a beer or two.
That’s it. While it doesn’t seem like much, it is everything
in this life.
Which is why I love this day so much, and why as I get older
I’m trying to live it out a little bit every day. The older I get the wiser I
am and the more I appreciate these small moments.
So, however you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, remember to
include your family, have a few laughs, tell some stories, maybe a little music
(if you remember to turn it on), don’t for get the butter, and maybe have a
beer or two if that’s your thing.
Try to do a bit of that every day.
Because in this life, it is everything!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Readers!If you like this post and would like to read more about all things domestic with a touch of humor, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write such as ChicagoNow or Chicago Parent follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

St. Patrick’s Day Treats and The Only Cut Out Sugar Cookie Recipe You Will Ever Need

Normally, cut out sugar cookies are the worst. If they are gorgeous they are pretty tasteless. If they are tasty they are ugly. Sometimes they can be too sweet, too crumbly, to thin, too hard.

Well, I compiled a bunch of my favorite recipes and techniques, and I made some pretty cute cut out sugar cookies for St. Patrick’s Day that even my allergy kids can eat!


No complaints, only vanilla-y sweet sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting goodness! The secret? Well, there are a few secrets actually.
  • There is cream cheese in the dough.
  • I only used egg yolks.
  • I chilled the dough overnight.
  • I used powdered sugar when rolling out the cookies instead of flour.
  • I didn’t roll the cookie dough too thin.
  • I worked fast.
  • Parchment paper for baking rather than a silicone mat (I don’t know why this made a difference it just did).
  • I trusted my instincts (if the dough was too wet I added a little flour, if the frosting was too dry I added a little milk, etc.)
After making cut out cookies since I was a kid, I think that this will be the only recipe I use from now on! Thank goodness the search is over.
Fun Color Sugar Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting
5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 brick (8 oz) of cream cheese brought to room temperature
4 sticks unsalted butter brought to room temperature
2 cups granulated sugar
2 egg yolks
3 tsp pure vanilla extract
Food Coloring drops
powdered sugar for rolling out cookies
1/2 brick of cream cheese (4 oz) brought to room temperature
1 stick of unsalted butter brought to room temperature
3 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla


In a large bowl, sift together flour and salt and set aside.
In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese and butter until completely mixed together. Add granulated sugar. Scraping down the sides of the bowl, add egg yoke and vanilla and beat this mixture until a light texture is formed.
Finally, add flour and food coloring and mix until combined, remembering not to over mix. (NOTE: follow the food coloring instructions on your package, and remember you’ll be rolling out this dough so if there are a few streaks of color they will get worked in when you’re rolling the cookies.)


Chill this mixture in the refrigerator overnight. (NOTE: If you cannot chill overnight, chill for at least 4 hours.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
To roll out the cookies, dust the rolling surface, rolling pin and cookie cutters with powdered sugar. Take a small section of dough (putting the rest in the refrigerator to stay cold), roll out the dough to about 1/3 to 1/2 of an inch thick (I used my instincts here, but roll it out thicker than you usually would). Using cookie cutters cut shapes, and place on parchment lined baking sheets.


Bake for 9-12 minutes.


Remove from oven, and place cookies on cooling rack immediately to cool before frosting.
While cookies cool, make the frosting by mixing together the cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla.

Spread onto cookies, make cookie sandwiches, decorate with sprinkles, or eat the frosting directly from the bowl it’s up to you.


I’m telling you this will be the only cut out sugar cookie recipe you will ever need.


If you like this post and would like to read more about all things domestic with a touch of humor, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write such as ChicagoNow or Chicago Parent follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Rainbows and Clouds

I know that I am not the only one who has seen the various Pinterest photos of rainbows made out of fruit. They are all so adorable, and I thought it might be fun to make for the kids. However, I thought it might be fun to make some clouds too.

Instead of making clouds out of marshmallows, I whipped up a very easy and fruit dip that looks just like fluffy clouds.

Erin’s Cloud Fruit Dip
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 Tbs granulated sugar
1 individual size of your favorite flavored yogurt (I used Chobani Strawberry)

In an electric mixer bowl with whisk attachment OR in a large bowl with electric beaters, beat whipping cream and sugar until whipped cream is formed with stiff peaks. Next, very carefully, fold in yogurt.

This was easy and borderline healthy.

Happy Monday!