

A Word on Running and Those in Boston

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write about what has happened in Boston. While I am having a hard time gathering my thoughts regarding this horrific tragedy, I, quite honestly, don’t think I can write about much else today.

I have been running since I was 13 years old. Running with my Dad. I was a member of both my high school cross country and track teams. I continued running through college, and into adulthood. I have done countless 5K and 10K races, and have even completed a marathon in my lifetime.

I love running.

When I think about running, I know my times are slow, and sometimes the road is rough for me, my focus is always on moving forward. In that moment in a race when I am through the worst, and I see those I love cheering for me, my mind goes to a place of complete peace.

When I was thinking about those in Boston, I know that healing, grieving are slow processes and the journey ahead for those affected will be rough. With the help of all of us, I hope we can help those affected somehow find peace.

You are in my heart, Boston.