
old movies

If You Liked LA LA LAND: 12 Classic Movies Everyone Should See

My hubby and I had a date night the other night. We were so excited to see LA LA LAND together!

When I was a kid, old movies were always playing in the background. My Mom liked to have them on while she was ironing, cleaning house, or doing other tasks around the house. However, unlike today when you can just get something on Netflix, our old movies were recorded from antenna TV (no cable for us) on our Beta VCR. (And that my friends is a very old fashioned sentence I just typed). 

I remember when Cary Grant passed away, and WGN Chicago ran a weekend long Cary Grant marathon, we were going through Beta Tapes like it was going out of style. We especially loved when PBS would be doing its annual pledge drive and we would often get to tape a few musicals.

Watching these old classic movies was one of my favorite and happiest memories from childhood. They were so much more complex than watching Sesame Street, and often times would provide a good musical score to do some chores to.

To this day, I love watching movies of all kinds, but sometimes I wish there were movies that were made like the old movies and musicals of yore. The glamor, the music, movies that just completely capture your heart. LA LA LAND completely fit the bill. Even my husband who is not into classic movies liked it. If you saw LA LA LAND and loved it but need a little help picking out some old classic movies, here is a list of movies that will get you in the mood until LA LA LAND is on DVD or streaming.

  1. Casablanca. This movie is referenced quite a few times in LA LA LAND, and for good reason! Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman are in their most famous roles. Get your tissues though.
  2. Singin’ In the Rain. When everyone else was singing songs from New Kids on the Block, I kind of prided myself at knowing all the words to all the songs in this movie! The singing, the dancing, and there is plenty of comedy thrown in for a giggle. Gene Kelly is magnificent. If you’re looking for a movie to watch to honor the late Debbie Reynolds, this is the one. She was only 18 when it was filmed! This is a movie definitely every family should watch together, in fact the #SkibsKids have been known to watch this movie quite often and wake up singing “Good Morning!” for school.
  3. Rear Window. This is a great introduction to famed director, Alfred Hitchcock. While it is a thriller and a mystery, I bet you’re wondering how it ties into LA LA LAND. The sheer glamor of Grace Kelly and all her absolute beauty just radiates from the screen. The way that it was filmed also gives the silver screen luster that you’ll start to crave the more of these movies you watch. Also, Jimmy Stewart is someone you’re absolutely rooting for!
  4. Charade. Another mystery starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. This was my first introduction into a gasp ending. 
  5. Indiscreet. Next to The Apartment which is listed further down on this list, Indiscreet is definitely one of my favorites. Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman are hilarious and witty. When the movie is over, I always want to watch it again right away because everything about it is so gorgeous. You’ll find yourself wanting everyone to win in the end. Side note: Ingrid Berman’s apartment decor has me wanting to decorate my living room like that!
  6. The Music Man. I think I wore the tape out watching this movie over and over and over again. I was always singing along to every song in this movie. The dancing, the costumes, the humor. It basically has it all.
  7. Philadelphia Story. Sigh. When I was a tween and all the other girls were swooning over God knows who, I just wanted to watch Philadelphia Story on repeat and just look at Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant! I was also getting some tips on being a strong woman from Katherine Hepburn. How I love her!
  8. Roman Holiday. Gregory Peck is usually most known for his role in To Kill a Mockingbird, but if you’re looking for an even softer and even more lovable Gregory Peck, this is your movie!
  9. Sabrina. (the ORIGINAL with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart). This movie made me want to run away to Paris and go to cooking school. This is the ultimate wallflower girl to independent confident woman movie. Remember all those 90’s movies where the high school girl takes off her glasses and is suddenly desired? Those don’t hold a candle to Audrey showing that she is a “woman of the world.”
  10. An American in Paris. Gene Kelly again. Listen, the dancing in this is superb!
  11. Some Like it Hot. I have a personal love of Jack Lemon, but this movie is a great comedy that anyone would enjoy. Also, it has Marilyn Monroe to boot!
  12. The Apartment. Let me give you some background on my love for this movie. I wrote a paper on it in high school for a mass media class. When a 17 year old girl is willing to risk ridicule from classmates and an eye roll from a first year teacher to write an entire paper on a black and white movie, it is THAT good. This film was an Oscar for Best Picture in 1950. Jack Lemon is an ordinary guy who got himself in a bad situation. Shirley McClain learns an incredible lesson. There’s humor along the way, and love at the end. Who could ask for anything more?

Many of these movies can be found on Netflix right now! You could call my Mom too, I bet she finally was able to score them on DVD, especially since they haven’t made a Beta machine or tapes since 1988. She’d probably bake for you too!

I suggest getting under a cozy blanket with your favorite hot beverage and binge watch all of them! Happy Weekend!