
kids cooking

Baby, It’s Finally Cold Outside: Snow Cream

In my neck of the woods, we have had kind of a mild winter (which I’ve been thankful for) However, there hasn’t been much of an opportunity for the munchkins to play in piles of snow as most of the time our yard just looks like a muddy mess.

This past week, we got a few inches of good, heavy, packing snow. The kids were thrilled.

By the time the snow stopped falling, it was dark outside, and too late to play in the snow. However, I remembered I had seen recipes all over the internet for how to make snow cream, and thought it might be a good way to hold them over until we could play in the snow the next day. When they heard the words snow cream, they forgot all about playing in the snow before bed.

The first order of business was for Brian to bring in a huge container of snow.

Hold ’em over til tomorrow Snow Cream

2 zip lock bags (one large and one small I used a 1 quart bag and a snack size)
1/2 cup cream
1 Tbs sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups snow
2 Tbs Kosher salt

In the larger bag, put snow and salt. In the smaller bag, mix cream, sugar, and vanilla and seal as tightly.

Place the smaller bag in the larger bag filled with snow and seal tightly.

Finally, squish the bags all around for 20 minutes or until an soft ice cream consistency is formed. *NOTE: You may want to wrap towels around the bags so little fingers don’t get too cold while squishing.


Finally, enjoy!

Ours was a little liquidy, the kids used spoons and straws. But there were no complaints.