
kid quotes

Last Day of School is Drawing Near…

… and to be honest I have mixed emotions. They boys absolutely loved school, their teachers, their friends, and everything that comes along with it. I am of course a little sad because it means my munchkins will not be little for much longer, but I am also excited for the carefree days of summer ahead.

We do have a few activities planned for the summer such as soccer camp, t-ball, swim lessons, and intro to ballet, but for the most part we will probably spend most of our time out in the sprinkler or coloring pictures.
On the first day of school, I of course took photos galore, and I didn’t want the last week of school to be any different. I even let Caroline in on the fun. As a little tribute to this school year, I added my favorite quotes from the kids.
This is one of those things that Caroline says that I will have to remind her of when she is in her teens.
Russell’s teacher informed us that a few weeks ago in some frustration, asked if he could make an announcement to the class. He really wanted to go outside and everyone seemed to be acting up. He gave everyone a little pep talk.
George said this to me a few months ago, and my heart just melted.