


So, it seems that spring has finally sprung here in the Chicago area. It has been awesome to see the first blooms on our new property. Behind the swimming pool, there is a row of Forsythia bushes that are starting to bloom. Don’t they look gorgeous? I must admit that Brian and I are very excited about the prospect of having a vegetable garden, planting some flowers, and doing a little landscaping. However, we may not enjoy it when we are wheel barrowing pounds of compost into the backyard

As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted a small herb garden, and since I have somewhere to have one now, I planted a few seeds with the help of the boys.

I decided to plant rosemary, chives, basil, and cilantro. Those are my summer staples. I then purchased a BURPEE Eco-Friendly seed starting kit for $19.99 at Target. I liked this option as the directions seemed easy to follow for a first timer like myself (haven’t planted a seed since 3rd grade) and the containers were biodegradable. This way transplanting should be easy and if I want to give some of them away, I don’t have to worry about the containers being thrown in a landfill. I followed the directions on the kit, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was. The boys absolutely loved putting the seeds in the dirt and helping me to water. We even labeled each row of seeds with the label sticks included with the kit. It was Russell’s suggestion to draw a picture.

Now I am just waiting it out. Hopefully, my little seeds will germinate soon, and I can transplant and make my favorite summer Caprese salad with fresh basil. Happy Spring!