
gift ideas

On Point Care Package Tips

Since I have lived in the Midwest my whole life, I have noticed that this is about the time I am over Winter. I like the hot beverages, and snuggling, and snow days. However, I start longing for some outdoor time. I am aching to put away the boots, get my garden going, go for a walk that doesn’t require me to put on a dozen layers of clothing, or just sit outside and soak in some rays.

I want to take a deep breath of fresh air and not feel my lungs freeze and my eyes sting.
Then, I thought if I am sick of Winter, I cannot imagine how my niece (god-daughter) away at college feels. Walking to class is just the worst in weather like this.
So, I decided to send her a care package.
Here are some tips for sending an on point care package.
Food: Send a little treat or something you know will last a few days. Perhaps some cookies, a favorite nut butter, or even some candy. You can even try and send something homemade. However, keep in mind the weather. If it the weather is extremely cold, or very warm it might not hold up, so make sure to keep that in mind.
Thoughtful: Try and send something that you know the person will especially like or need. Perhaps a favorite movie on DVD to watch for a study break, a good book, a few photos, some fancy pens for school work, or their favorite brand of coffee.
Small but Sturdy: Whatever you send make sure it is small, light, and sturdy. Remember you had to send these things through the mail so make sure it can hold up through the mail, isn’t too fragile, and  make sure it is light enough so that if it has to be carried to a class or two before headed back to the dorms it isn’t a burden. Items like snuggly socks, a favorite lip balm, new gloves would do nicely.
Note: A note is always a perfect way to tell someone you’re thinking of them and hope things are going well. Also, a few kid drawings to brighten someone’s day are nice too.
Packaging: A small box packed tightly and stuffed with tissue is perfect. Make sure to slip a piece of paper with the recipients address inside the box too. Seal it up with packing tape, label it and ship it off.
What would be in your ideal care package?If you like this post and would like to read more about all things domestic with a touch of humor, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write such as ChicagoNow or Chicago Parent follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Tips for Last Minute Gifting Solutions

Here we are! One week away from Christmas Eve? Do you have your shopping finished? It’s ok, me either! I have a few things left to get for the people on my list.

Now that we are in crunch time, and as part of this Holiday Miniseries happening here (check out last week’s crafts here, here, and here). I thought I would share my favorite last minute gift ideas from the internet to help with those last minute gifts.
1. Check out this awesome host, hostess, or colleague gift from Formal Fringe! We all need wine, we all need socks. Ta Da!
2. Manicure/Pedicure Mason Jars would be awesome for all the Tween and Teen gals in your life or even a gal pal. Just put some polish, cotton, a nail file and other supplies in a mason jar. Thanks for the idea Thriving Wives.
3. If baking cookies for neighbors and friends is your thing (as it is mine), check out these festive and gorgeous ways to wrap them up from Better Homes and Gardens.
4. A book. Weather it be an e-book or hard copy, I have never felt like you could go wrong with a good book for a friend. Buy a copy of your latest read and pass it on to someone who would enjoy it. Check out this adorable cookbook wrapped in a dishtowel for the cook in your life from The Kitchn (PS In case you are wondering I really want this cookbook for Christmas this year).
5. For the past few years, I have given this gift to many people, and it is always greatly appreciated. There is nothing more fun than getting a new set of jammies and some tea, hot cocoa, or a gift card to Starbucks for a cozy holiday season. Who doesn’t love jammies and hot beverages?
What are some of your favorite last minute gift ideas this year?
Keep reading this week and next for the Home Everyday Holiday MiniSeries for more ideas on holiday decor, holiday recipes, and last minute gift ideas.Psssst, today is my birthday, check out 33 lessons I’ve learned over at ChicagoNow.

For more about DIY, gardening, cooking, baking or all other things domestic, become a Home Everyday follower! For blog updates or to see other places I write follow Home Everyday on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.