

Thirsty Thursday: Peachberry Smoothies

It’s that time of the week again. The most wonderful time of the week if you ask me! THIRSTY THURSDAY!


I have been on a smoothie kick lately. In the summer, it just seems so much easier to throw a bunch of fresh fruit and ice in a blender and head out the door to enjoy the gorgeous weather.
I came up with this smoothie when I saw all the beautiful peaches and raspberries that are currently in season.
Peachberry Smoothie
2 large peaches diced into small chunks
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup vanilla almond milk
In a blender add peaches, raspberries and almond milk until smooth. Then, add ice and blend until desired consistency (about 1 minute). Put in your favorite glass and enjoy.
(NOTE: If this smoothie is a little tart you can add some stevia or a tsp of sugar to sweeten.)
This has served as an tasty and healthy breakfast for me as I cart everyone around to various camps, after a long run, or while I am getting some work done. It is like summertime in a glass.
If you would like to read more Thirsty Thursdays, Gardening, DIY, Cooking, Baking and all other things domestic you can check me out on Facebook or become a follower of Home Everyday here

Rainbows and Clouds

I know that I am not the only one who has seen the various Pinterest photos of rainbows made out of fruit. They are all so adorable, and I thought it might be fun to make for the kids. However, I thought it might be fun to make some clouds too.

Instead of making clouds out of marshmallows, I whipped up a very easy and fruit dip that looks just like fluffy clouds.

Erin’s Cloud Fruit Dip
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 Tbs granulated sugar
1 individual size of your favorite flavored yogurt (I used Chobani Strawberry)

In an electric mixer bowl with whisk attachment OR in a large bowl with electric beaters, beat whipping cream and sugar until whipped cream is formed with stiff peaks. Next, very carefully, fold in yogurt.

This was easy and borderline healthy.

Happy Monday!


Healthy Breakfast: Raspberry Smoothie

It is no secret that I have been trying to make some healthier foods for us in this new year. I must admit however, old habits die hard. When I wake up in the morning, I still wanted a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, and was wondering what would give me give me a little perk up in the morning.

I got on the internet and started researching super smoothies. I found the Dr. Oz 3-day detox. While, I don’t think I am wanting to do a full three day detox, the breakfast drink looked delicious and chock full of energy producing ingredients.

I made a few changes to the original recipe which is here, but below I made a few suggestions.


Dr. Oz Breakfast Smoothie
1 cup raspberries (or any other berry you have available)
1 whole banana cut into chunks
1/3 cup baby spinach leaves
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup almond milk
1 Tbs flax seed (I used ground flax seed)
1 Tbs almond butter
2 Tbs lemon juice

In a blender, add raspberries and blend until pureed. To avoid seeds, you can strain raspberry puree (hey, that sounds like Prince’s Raspberry Beret). Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with a few berries

Does anyone else have any energy boosting smoothie recipes they want to share?

P.S. If you need a laugh to get this weekend started, I guarantee my latest post on South of I-80 will give you one.