
family room

Family Room Reveal

Last month, I finished painting and organizing the family room. Since finishing this project, I have taken on a few other things, and completely forgot to post photos for you to see our freshly painted room.

The original color was a very peachy tan as you can see here:

After painting some swatches of a few variations of soft gray on the walls, we made the decision and went with Behr’s Barnished Clay in a flat finish. It is soft, neutral, and is almost warm. This is a color that we used in both bathrooms, and while I did want to try something different, sometimes you have to stick with what you know you like.


Here is another before:


Here is the after:


Once we finished painting, we completed the furniture switch, we sorted the toys, and created a better play area for the kids.


I also moved the craft table. Having it near the ledge near the stairs allows us to store buckets of crayons, coloring books and supplies.

Finally I created little area near the fire place for reading stories and set up Coco’s dollhouse for her to have a separate place for her to play on her own.


I am really loving it! Now that my family room is less peach and more gray, I can focus on doing a teeny bit more sprucing. I’m hoping to add a extra large ottomon for kicking up and watching movies, hiding the cords for the TV, and perhaps slipcovering the couch near the fire place.Anyone else finish a paint project or move around some furniture?