
dining room

Living Room/Dining Room Updates

A few weeks ago, I announced that I was planning on painting the family room. Then, I talked about moving around some furniture, pretty much all of our living room and family room furniture.

Well… its done. All done. Whew.

Today, I’m going to be showing off the living room and dining room spaces.

Just as a reminder, here is what things used to look like.


Here is what everything looks like now.


The book shelves are where the kids toys used to be.


This is the dresser that we used as an entertainment center downstairs, but now it is perfect in the living room and holds all my table linens and extra serveware.


We rearranged the furniture a tad.


Then, I brought the desk back upstairs too. I finally have a place to sit and do a project, and then close the doors when I have to walk away.

Then we moved the glass cabinets into the dining room. If you look closely, I also added a little something (I will show you how I did it tomorrow).

I could not believe the transformation with just moving some furniture to different rooms. I feel like there is much more room, and better storage solutions for the space. My dream would be to have better seating and some more artwork, which pretty much means more projects 🙂

Have you every moved furniture and noticed a total transformation?