
crafting fail

It’ll Take Longer Than You Think: Yarn Letters

I like to keep it real at Home Everyday. I don’t give any false impressions that everything around here is perfect, or that I spend my days in an apron cooking, remodeling, baking and gardening. My house does indeed get messy, currently we have laundry stacked to the rafters, and I should probably wash the kitchen floor.

There are also some projects that I start with the best of intentions, and they kind of become well a fail. Similar to this recipe post of yore.

Recently, I started a project with the kids that I thought would be a ton of fun, and be a cute addition to their bedrooms.

I saw these cardboard letters at JoAnn’s for less than $3 a piece.

Then I found this yarn in the clearance bin.

I thought we could wrap the letters in yarn, and the kids could have little monograms hanging on their doors or over their beds.

The idea of this project was adorable. I couldn’t wait to do it. My kids on the other hand, lost patience with wrapping the string in about ten minutes. I realized that this is a project that would have to be done a little bit at a time, and I also thought maybe it was something we could do on a rainy day or watching a movie or something.


Every time I ask the kids if they want to work on their letters, the answer is a resounding, “NO!”

So, we play outside instead.

That is ok, I will finish them eventually, maybe after I put all the laundry away.