
butter chicken

Quick Dinner and Reminiscing: Indian Butter Chicken

When it comes to making dinner for my family, there are days where I just want to prepare something fast and not do a ton of prep or cleanup.

The other day, it was so nice outside we spent a lot of time outside, and I knew we probably would be making our way out again after dinner too, so cleanup should be at a minimum too.
Then, I remembered I had purchased this:


The first time Brian and I had ever had Indian butter chicken was when our friend, Sunita, had us over for dinner a few years ago. We spent a lot of time chatting and hanging out, and eating. Brian kept asking for more. Since then, whenever I have butter chicken I think of Sunita.
While we enjoy this type of cuisine, I have to say I am a teeny bit intimidated by it, so when I saw this simmer sauce, I thought it would be fun to give it a whirl. Kind of a way to get me going. Also, it was fast and easy. Only 20 minutes. 


Normally, I like to give every detail of a recipe, but I honestly feel kind of weird doing that when all I did was follow the directions on the back of a package, and all packages might be different. However, I did jazz it up with some roasted pineapple for fun. I thought that if the butter chicken was too hot the pineapple might cool us down. It worked.
First, I made basmati rice. While the rice was cooking, I sauteed some chicken and followed the directions on the butter chicken package. Finally, I sliced up some pineapple into spears, placed the slices on a baking sheet with parchment paper, and put it in the oven at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes.It only took 20 minutes for this:


Brian had seconds, which means it was good.

Now that I have my feet wet, I’m ready to dive into some Indian cooking. It look like I will have to start trying recipes in my fellow ChicagoNow blogger, Anupy Singla’s book, Indian as Apple Pie.