
25 days of christmas

Countdown Book Style: Advent Calendar

Can you name anything better than reading in front of the glow of the Christmas Tree? There are very few things that I enjoy more. There is just something about the light of the tree being the only light in the room. Everything is gorgeous. I don’t even notice the baskets of clothes to be folded or the toys and sippy cups everywhere. It is like a little miracle. Even on our honeymoon which Brian and I took on our Winter Break, we spent a lot of time reading by the plethora of Christmas trees.

Now that we have children, this wonderful thing is even more fun. Kids in footie jammies, the soft glow of the tree, snuggly blankets, hot cocoa, and a wonderful Christmas story cannot be beat.

Over the past month or so, I have collected 25 Children’s Christmas Books. Some were mine from when I was a kid, some were Brian’s, some were gifts, and some I found at book sales and Half Price Books.

Last week, I wrapped each book and put in a bright red bin. Each night, the kids choose a book, we unwrap and read right before bed (and count the remaining books which represents how many days are left til C-Day). This is so much better than any chocolate, paper chain, or ornament Advent calendar. We are making time to enjoy each other and our Christmas tree each night. Isn’t that what this is all about anyway?

Oh yeah, and the footie jammies.