
July 2012

Are you keen on quinoa?

So, once a year my buddy, Colleen and I try to have a
weekend away from the family to try and get some serious scrapbooking done. We
usually pick a weekend in the middle of winter and the goal is to try and
complete an entire album. This year, her mom offered to host us at her house
for the weekend. Which on a side note, Mrs. S’s house is gorgeous. It looks
like out of the pages of a Pottery Barn catalogue. So since there were no hotel
fees and being only 20 mins from home in case of emergency, I cooked up some treats for the weekend
as a Thank You to Mrs. S.

I brought some of Paula Deen’s Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
for a breakfast treat, some of my world famous Smart Cookies (see the healthy
food theme? Sarcasm), and Quinoa salad for lunch. I always wanted to try
quinoa, and so in true me fashion, I looked up like 10 recipes, and picked what
I liked from all of them, and made a Mexican version.
With some sliced avocado, it was gorgeous and delicious, and
I got rave reviews. Except for one person. You see, when I go away on these scrapbook
weekends, I always make extras of everything and leave some home for Brian, and
he is always grateful. He doesn’t have to worry about food for the
weekend, and he can focus on spending as much quality time as possible with kids.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t so keen on the quinoa. Get it? Keen… Quinoa. HA!
He said the texture kind of grossed him out. Too dry. So, I
have an alternative, that has seemed to be a hit for him. Brown rice. Now don’t
get me wrong, the health benefit comparison from quinoa to brown rice varies
significantly, but overall it is still very healthy, and he loved it so much
with the brown rice he decided to take it to work for the rest of the week.
This salad is also great for serving with quesadillas for a dinner. Yummy!
So here it is Not so Keen on Quinoa Brown Rice OR Quinoa Salad
1 cup uncooked quinoa or brown rice
½ Large Red Onion chopped
1 Red, Yellow or Orange Bell Pepper chopped
1 Pint Grape Tomatoes halved
1 Jalepeno pepper diced (seeds and ribs removed)
1 15 oz can black beans drained and rinsed
1 cup frozen corn cooked and cooled
2 Avacadoes sliced
1 tsp lime zest
¼ Cup Lime juice
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 bunch cilantro chopped*
Salt and pepper to taste
*Ok, I get it some people REALLY hate cilantro. My Mom says
it tastes like soap. Switch it up for some parsley.
Cook quinoa or brown rice according package instructions and
cool. Combine quinoa/brown rice, red onion, peppers, tomatoes, beans, and corn.
Stir until well combined. Add lime zest, lime juice, olive oil, and herb of
choice. Stir it up, Serve with sliced avocado. Enjoy!Anyone else make a simple switch to a recipe to please your honey?