Grateful: November Challenge Week 5

Today is the final recap of the 30 Day Gratitude Photo Challenge at Positively Present. If you want to read my other recaps they are here, here, here, and here.

Day 23, Energy: On this day, I was thankful that despite all the craziness, we all still had enough energy to get some major things accomplished while Brian had a few days off. I finally frosted the garage windows so everyone who drives by doesn’t have to see the mess that is our garage.
Day 24, Adventure: I struggled with this one. When I hear the word adventure I think of like an amazing trip with parasailing, zip lining, scuba diving or base jumping. I’m not a thrill like person (can’t you tell? as I drive 35 mph in a 40). Anyway, it got me thinking about more tame adventures, and I am definitely thankful for this adventure called blogging. I have met some amazing people as well has learned a lot about myself. Thanks for joining me on this wonderful adventure that basically started as a way to share recipes, DIY projects, and parenting tips. It has turned into another opportunity at ChicagoNow and 35 followers and growing (Shameless Plug: If you don’t read my other blog, check it out here).
Day 25, Beauty: Thankful for the daily beauty that makes me smile and enjoy life a little more. Here’s George watching his favorite animals (horses) at the zoo.
Day 26, Tradition: I am so grateful for tradition as I feel it helps connect me to people who live far away. On Thanksgiving morning my Mom would ask my siblings and I to break up all all the bread for the stuffing. I remember sitting with my brothers and sister in our jammies, watching the Macy’s parade, and breaking up bread into a huge bowl. I asked my kids to help me this year, and sent the picture to my brother Kevin who lives 2200 miles away. We reminisced together about Thanksgivings of yore.
Day 27, Sound: Sometimes the noise and the mess of having little ones can get to a person (I swear if I step on another Matchbox car and almost break my neck, I will lose it). However, I often think of how grateful I am for the noise and the mess. This time is very temporary and I realize that every day. Someday, I will have a perfectly decorated and clean home with no pitter patter, no giggles, no loud toys, and no pretend sounds. For now, I’m taking a deep breath and thankful for this, because I know I’m going to be one of those old ladies who leaves the radio on before leaving the house so there is noise when I get home. Here are the munchkins playing with the felt tree I made them.
Day 28, Comfort: Sometimes I still think I am destined to be a nurse. While I love to be comforted for and taken care of, it is still my favorite thing in life to do that for other people. I am thankful that I have many people in my life that I can help take care of and give comfort. Kissing Coco after a tumble outside.
Day 29, Art: I am thankful for Etsy. I know, after all that mushy stuff up there, it is silly. But honestly, when I need to cheer up, I just go to Etsy, and even if I don’t buy anything seeing all the beautiful things, crafts, and art created by people just makes me smile.
Day 30, Love: I am so thankful that there are so many days in my life I have experienced so much love, I think my heart isn’t going to be able to take it. This was one of those days.
Thanks for following along for the month of November!


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