Time Flies… Or Does It?

The other day, I came upstairs to find this:

Three munchkins playing in the tupperware cabinet. At first, I’m not going to lie, I was a little annoyed. There they are sitting right in my way, and it is almost time for lunch. Then, I took a deep breath, and started to thank my lucky stars that they are still young enough to enjoy playing in the tupperware cabinet. Thanking God they are still little, and enjoy simple things.


Time has gone so fast it seems in the past few years, that in this moment I was so happy that it had slowed down, just a bit.


Someone once told me that someday I will miss the quiet and the mess so enjoy it. So that is what I’m going to do from now on.


Even if that means I have to re-organize the tupperware cabinet once in awhile.


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